Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ce Qu'il Faut Savoir

About the empowerment fund is that it has been a resounding flop and is a component of Shaitanomics. You can think of it as a sister to the aborted Mansoor plan. All of this of course has ensured that five years have gone by and we're pretty much stuck with the same old problems.

Not exactly what you would call progress.


Vikramg said...

"Un ballon d’oxygène pour Infinity BPO. La State Investment Corporation (SIC) est venue à la rescousse de cette société en rachetant son bâtiment, l’Infinity Tower, à Ebène."

So the state is lending a helping to this company which belongs to a close advisor to the PM.

If someone cannot manage his own company, what is he doing advising the PM.

Anyway, this government is setting off its second term by sending off all the wrong signals.

1. Boycott of L'express - Childish and not really a sign of a mature/confident government.

I think the list will just keep increasing with time..

Anonymous said...

You are so right my friend: the list will keep on increasing as time goes by...
@SJ: Et de dire it was the same Sithanen who had invented the Bheenick hole theory, so condemnable at that time and now practiced through all the govt institutions...

Anonymous said...

empowerement program cest un farce, cest plutot un mechanisme pou case un peu les petits copains. mo demande moi meme si banne minsitere et emp prog so job role pas ovelap. et aster enan ministre intergration sociale....qui li faire un journe ca minsitre la? meme chose ki banne fat cats empowerement programme?

Anonymous said...

o pas agree at all. E.P c le plus gros sucess de lancien govt, et pas oublier banne staff EP zot p trvaille for free.

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

@anonymous: "zot p travay pu free"???
Be explikelemwatu kifer ena enn ribrik "postes vacants" lor zot web sayt???

Anonymous said...

lol, banne grand chef la p trvaille pou free, a titre benovole, c ki mo finne entendre lor radio!