Friday, November 25, 2011

Kee Chong Hinting He Will Be MMM's Finance Minister

And not Lutchmeenaraidoo. That was in an interview he gave to L'express on Sunday. Whilst it's true that he has been in the limelight more often than Vishnu because he's in Parliament -- thanks to getting a ticket in a safer riding -- and Lutchmeenaraidoo is not, he has not convinced many in his party and elsewhere that he shares a philosophy that's different from the Paglanomics practised by at least half of the two university buddies since July 2005.

What do you think? And don't forget to vote in our latest poll: Vishnu or Kee Chong as FM.


akagugo said...

Kee Chong is different from Rama because he's hitting on Xavier for reinstating Rama's deeds. Because this is what he said about Xavier:

- "...un budget d’exclusion. Duval a fait du Duval : généreux avec les gros bonnets, mesquin avec la classe moyenne. Il a coupé la société en deux entre ceux qui ont déjà trop et ceux qui bientôt n’auront plus rien. Les nantis étaient emmerdés avec les taxes Duval les a supprimées. Ils étaient emmerdés par le climat des affaires il s’est mis en quatre pour l’améliorer. Bien bon, sauf que c’est largement insuffisant. On ne présente pas un budget pour 1 % de la population. Les 99 % restants, il s’est foutu d’eux à coups de ristournes sur les motocyclettes et sur les shampoings. De gros cadeaux pour les nantis, des gajak pour les démunis, ah ! il est fort Xavier. (Il monte en décibels) Mais quel nul ce type, quel enfant gâté ! Et le pire, c’est qu’il a une super cote auprès des médias, à cause de gens comme vous."

- "Ce n’est pas une décision en particulier qu’il faut casser, mais le mindset de Duval. Il tient en trois mots : al fer fout. Il y a trop de problèmes dans ce pays, je ne vais rien résoudre, je délègue aux gros capitalistes."

- "Ce qui m’ennuie, c’est que Duval s’est contenté de rétablir ce que Sithanen avait fait. (...) La classe moyenne ne l’intéresse pas. Résultat, il aggrave le problème de la répartition des richesses. Voilà pourquoi le pays va lentement aux enfers."

Now, the better parts of the interview:

- "Kee Chong est un tigre. Un tigre fougueux."
- "Jamais personne ne pourra me domestiquer. Kee Chong est un rebelle, un anticonformiste révolutionnaire"
- "C’est vrai, j’ai toujours eu ce caractère de leader."
- "Les plafonds de verre, vous savez ce que j’en fais ? Je les explose à coups de pied. (Il joint le geste à la parole)"
- about the MMM being in a flirtatious mood with Labour: "Fode pa met zak dan tant. Apre, nou gayn kari zak gate. Ena indizesion ladan."

So, if I'm still correctly following the 'Black Paul' joke/concept, the MMM should be applauding Xavier, but the interview shows Kee Chong to be quite allergic to Xavier's Ramanomics...

And given his views about leadership, what the BEEPing hell is Kee Chong doing in the MMM? He should be leading a pro-people party: yes, out of the long overdue forced dichotomous choice between red and purple, one new party - that with no stale ideology, one which breaks through glass ceilings, across ethno-casteist politics... Maybe he lacks the money to market his special motives: that same money that the 'gros bonnets' have so much to give in cash on the eve of elections... Unless something special buys the majority of true Mauritians' votes without money, but with charisma.

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

I think he tries to be politically correct. But looking at what he said over a number of interviews leads me to conclude that he either understands little or doesn't give two hoots about the happiness of a maximum of our countrymen.

He can do one or two good interviews but he's not consistent.

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

I think he tries to be politically correct. But looking at what he said over a number of interviews leads me to conclude that he either understands little or doesn't give two hoots about the happiness of a maximum of our countrymen.

He can do one or two good interviews but he's not consistent.