The front page article on its website claims that 79% of the people who visited a news site preferred L'express. Visiting and preferring are not exactly the same. I know a lot of people who visit that website to get a feeling similar to the one they do when they eat funny mushrooms.
And the best joke of the week... the same article claims that according to Alexa -- the traffic monitoring site -- L'express is at 13th ahead of Twitter and e-bay!!! Lol.
L'express is in fact 13th in Mauritius but ranked at 55,425 in the world today. Twitter is 11th in the world while e-bay is 24th in the world.
Jean-Claude, don't forget to mention this new mistake in your editorial on Sunday.
@ SJ
Ayo, peine perdue ar zott. La, si JCDL lire ou bann commentaires-la, ou fini passe pou enn anti-démocrate patenté la...
Mais l'express so bann editorialistes, surtout J-Claude, Milan et Arianne, content prend bann shortcuts coumsa. Arianne, quand mo'nn dire li ki so shortcut "radio privée, donc indépendente" ti fausse, li ti (ou'nn bien deviné) censure mo comment. Mem z'affer quand mo dire Milan li ki c'est pas tout saki bann internautes metter ki l' laisse passer et ki fauder pas rode faire nous croire ki l'express totalement indépendent, la-oussi zott brile mo-mem!
Non, li pas surprenant ki l'express tappe so prop z'épaule coumha. Mais la maniere ki li detourne / melanze bann stats, sa ki inquiétant...
@akagugo: wi, le delire a c grav.
Mo d'accord r seki @akagugo p dir.
C peine perdue essaye faire sa bane la comprend...
Vive anything apart l'express :P
@Sanjay: They were actually correct when they mention that L'express is 13th in Mauritius, which is ahead of Twitter and Ebay in Mauritius. I don't think the majority of people in Mauritius know what is eBay to a lesser extent twitter.
Though, Facebook, google and even Orange came ahead of them. I think this is where they faulted, as they mentioned that Orange is far below.
Anyway, journalism is the act of making petty things look nice ;-).
Ou bizen comprend ki sa sondage li ene 'outil' marketing pou L'Express. Li p servi sa pou reaziste li aupres banne annonceurs pou li rasse plis piblicite. Ou bizen pran li avek banne pincette bien sur. Erreur ki Sanjay finne pointer, li ena 100% raison. Nou trouver ki ena boukou jeunes amateurs journalistes ki finne rant travay ek ki pe antoure Raj Meetarbhan. L'Express pe manque de plus en plus de rigueur ek c'est bien dommage ki so CEO, JCDL, pa p pran kont. Tandis ki Defi finne ouvert ene centre formation pou form banne jeunes journalistes, dan L'Express zot p compte lor banne jeunes ki Roukaya Kasenally (ki zamais finne travay dans ene sel journal dans so lavie) dans UoM ape avoye travay dans L'Express. Samem mo dir bizen ene website (kuma mozelidir) pou circule banne lide ki pou faire Moris avancer.
@ SJ
"... par les internautes basés à Maurice"
C'est ça ti-phrase la ki faire toute la différence! Mais l'auteur ça l'artik-la vinn dire ça dans DERNIER paragraphe so l'artik:
"D’autre part, Alexa, le site américain qui audite le taux de fréquentation des sites Internet, classe de son côté à la 13e place des sites visités par les internautes basés à Maurice, devant des sites d’envergure planétaire tels que Twitter, classé 15e et ebay, 17e. Et ce sont les géants, à l’instar de Google, MSN ou encore Youtube, qui se trouvent en pole position."
Donc, l'express vraiment 13ème devant eBay ek Twitter, l'express vraiment niméro 1 dans news websites, but only when considering web traffic generated locally.
Mea culpa, mo'nn saute trop vite.
Alorss, mo cwar ki l' finalement pé tappe so prop z'épaule parski navigation dans version web bann lezott zournal vraiment difficile / user-unfriendly... C'est vrai. C'est tout? Il n'y avait pas de quoi en faire tout un plat!
I wonder if manipulating information and data for public sale and consumption is not a form of corruption under the law. Who will anwser this?
Pierrick Pedel writes in this morning L'Express:
"Mais on voit mal comment le tout nouveau ministre des Finances Pravind Jugnauth va pouvoir satisfaire l’ensemble des secteurs en difficulté. Car sa carte de crédit libellée en Droits de Tirages Spéciaux (DTS) du Fonds monétaire international (FMI) a sérieusement été entamée par son prédécesseur. Décidemment le bad mood va toucher tout le monde."
What does a specialist like Sanjay think about this? Is not the media (in general) trying to set the tune that the new FM should dance to???
Effecktivman sa ti fraz la fer tout la differens. Mea culpa, ine sot tro vite.
Ce ki interessan dan sa list pou moris la c ki a la 9e plass. Sa v dir ki kolektivman tou ban blog met ensam attire plis traffik ki lexpress. Sa v ossi dire ki saken p trouv so komt dan ban differan blog. reste le 1er site morisyen. Defi 23e, ziz devan e 10 plass derier lexpress. Le Matinal 49e plass 10 plass divan Mauricien.
@anonymous: b la tou pou vine nwar ene sel kut la etant donne ki zot bondie nepli minis de finans.
Runnish from lexpress? Bon laisse ca, li pas un trop gros problem....bane lecteurs pas ca bete la aussi.
moi mo penser ce ki pli grave la c boycott de lexpress par ramgoolam, ca me semble bien enfantin. ramgoolam p faire come ci li un zenfant encolere.
By the way, mo finn erate vanacies psc 2 fois a cause boycot lexpress.
moi mo penser ki ramgoolam p faire un peu idiot, eski gordon brwon faire comme ca? peu etre mo pas connais , eclaire moi un peu?
Est-ce ki pays pu arete fonctionner si gouverneman boycott lexpress? Je ne pense pas. Avec sa qualite reporting qu'ils ont fait ces dernier temps zot fine effectivement montrer qui zot lorgane du MMM.
Donc il est tout a fait normal ki gouverneman pa soutire un journal froncierement oppose a lui ou qui ne fait pas du fair and objective reporting.
I don't think it's fair to distribute public funds only to Le Matinal and BAI's newspapers (Le Dimanche, Star, Impact News, Newsnow, Le DefiPlus, News On Sunday these latter two owned at 40% by BAI). What is the use in advertising Govt notices and vacancies ? Is it not for a maximum number of people to get the announcement such that thers is equal opportunity for one and all to apply (of course, those eligible). By not publishing in Week-End (80,000 copies sold every Sunday) and L'Express (20,000 copies sold everyday), what is the Govet trying to do? Is it not a hidden agenda to finish these newspapers and to leave on the market only theose I have mentioned above (in the first part of my response)? Either Govt publishes all govt and parastatal vacancies in a regular govt publication and distributed free or it advertises also in the mostly read newspapers to ensure equal opportunity.
I see my last comment (inreaction to the one by first anonymous) was not accepted. OK. This news should interest our friends here. Are we going to see such things in Mauritius?
"George Papandreou, the Greek prime minister, scrambled to shore up his crackdown on tax evaders by sacking his tourism minister on Tuesday after a newspaper revealed that her husband, a nightclub singer, owed €5.5m in unpaid income taxes.
Angela Gerekou, a former actress who posed topless for a Greek magazine in the 1990s, stood down to demonstrate “her sensitivity and concerns about harming the government”, a spokesman said.
(Source: FT)
demain ramgoolma pou dire les fonctionnaires 'you are not allowed to bring in your lexpress' and then we will know where we are heading. ca boycot la li pas bon, li un reaction enfantin. ramgoolam penan maturite. li cliarement envie lexpress mort net et les autres journal ki support li continer exister. si li envie mange ar lespress li besoin juste continer trvaille faire en sorte ki li prouve li meme. li simple.
No government advertisement to Lexpress:
I totally agree that the majority of the ads should to to the newspaper with the most readership. What is the point of publishing ads in an obscure newspaper that people never buy.
Sacking of Tourism for Tax Evasion:
Keep dreaming my friend. This will never happen in paradise island! We all know that the moment someone gets caught, the whole department who is investigating the case will be disbanded.
Interdiction de L'express dans la fonction publique.
When you have a child whom you have pampered a lot, he is bound to throw tantrums. You reap what you sow! The threats against the press is totally uncalled for. If someone is doing good work, will he really care about what others say. The fruits of good work always shine above everything.
I hope we do not end up as a certain country where every bad word about the government ends up in a litigation. The government has never lost a case!
@ VikramG
"What is the point of publishing ads in an obscure newspaper that people never buy."
Bein, li simple: mo travail depann preske exclusivement lors bann government-floated tenders. Alors, pou konner ki tender fauder assté, péna choix: bizin assté Le Matinal, Le Socialiste et Le Mauricien.
By the way, eski kikenn capave explik moi kifer ziss l'express ki'nn bizin subir Macarena-boy ek Piti-la zot bann vomissements anti-médiatiques, mais pas Le Mauricien? Bizarre, bizarre...
Li simple. Navin ena so dimoune dans Le Mauricien. Li apel Jean-Marc Poché.
@ VikramG
Alala! Qui sème le vent récolte la tempête:
Ki ou dire la? Mo sirr JCDL pou extra plaingné la! Bein, si ou faire enn ti calcul, zott pas ti bizin: Lepok mo ti pe rode travail, mo ti alle mette laké gramatin dans bibliothèque pou lire Petites Annonces. Ti ena au-moins enn dizaine dimounes pe attane pou capave lire zournal. Aster, 15 ans après, mo pas cwar sa nombre-la inn capave diminuer mais ki au-contraire, linn bizin augmenter. Donc, si zott pas gagne zott zournal dans bibliothèque, mo cwar bein ki enn parti la-dans pou alle acheter li. Alors, finalement, au-lieu 1 zournal pou (disons) 20 dimounes, aster, sa-bann dimounes-la pou alle asté zott zournal. Pas tou, mais enn bon partie la-dans. Donc, au lieu 1 zournal pou 20 dimounes, aster pou bizin vann pliss. Aster, mett mem configuration dans sak biro kott ena fonctionnaires. Au-lieu zott cotiser pou aster enn journal tou le zour, sakenn so sakenn (pas tout, mais pas 1 zournal pou 20 dimounes). La-oussi pli boukou zournal vender. Eski c'est ça ki pé dérouler? Ziss enn fonctionnaire pou capave dire...
@ Anonymous May 26, 2010 12:33 PM
I'm dumbfounded! Thanks for your input!
@akagugo: mo pense ki Ramgoolam ine aret tire lor Mauricien depi ki Gilbert Ahnee ine tcwhit et petet parski Mauricien p fer fass a ene miltiplisite de titres e blogs. C vre ki Ahnee ti pa mal bieze dan so ban analiz.
Nempess ki Ramgoolam pan fer so travay kuma bizin dernier 5 banane. Si li fer seki bizin eski dimun ti pu kass latet ek lagazet ou bien zot ti pu enjoy zot lavi trankil?
Ou ena raison. Mo pe aprane ki Le Mauricien li dans la main State Bank asterla telman ki endette. Don navin pale tir lor lambilans mo croire !
Eski Piti-la pé rode faire excès de zèle ek tape enn koutt lesstoma pli for ki pendant campagne electorale? La, wadire ça pé alle trop loin aster...
Everything boils down to monetary considerations finally. La Sentinelle is frustrated because it is not getting its fair share of Government advertisement, le Mauricien Group is towing the line because it is in deep financial crisis, Le Defi Media Group including Radio Plus is running the big propaganda show to please its financier. Where is the free press? Where is the fourth pillar of democracy? I sense a rapid shift in power, from the traditional press to the blogosphere. Am I right?
That's the future my friend. That's why newspapers online seeing this coming, have changed the timing. Now they allow you to comment their news items. It started with quite some time ago, then has joined in, followed by Le Matinal lately. But, as always, you have to be in the 'ligne editoriale', otherwise you don't get published online, like this morning I sent a comment on's article 'Les journalistes de La Sentinelle interdits à un point de presse du ministre des Finances'. It has not yet been published, now at 12.34 !
@Anonymous: tou ban zurnal pe mor trankilman a travers le monde. Eski ou ti kone ki mem NYT ti p gayn mari problem ek herezman fine gayn ene bon kudmin r Carlos Slim? Ek purtan ene pake ban zurnal kine ferme ti ena ene tretman korek et de o nivo de linformasyon. C zis ki internet ek blogosphere etc ine fer zot model dafer vin de pli en pli insutenab.
Aster imazin ou ban lagazet ki insilte ou linteligenz sak ku tu ku mem ku... deza 9e site pli visite par ban morisyen alors ki wordpress 14e kont 13e pu lexpress. YouTube 4e!
akagugo: Pravin p truv lexpress kuma ene adverser politik. Seki pa totalman fos avek sa manipilasyon ki zot ti fer pendan mars la: anons lalians Ptr-MMM, fos pari etc.
Kozemotande: it has already happened when you look at several yardstick including the traffic stats from Alexa. And yes it's gonna accelerate.
Not only we don't have a free press but its quality could certainly be better.
Anonymous: which would explain why blogs are taking so much space space.
L'express is going to be very nasty with Ramgoolam's newly-elected government because they are upset that Sithanen is not there to give every possible advantage to the lazy few -- what you rightly called the GLDs.
But I believe that the PM shouldn't spent too much time with JCDL and herd. He should do what we have elected him to do: run the country. And he has a lot to catch up.
Pas fini avec fausse sondage, maintenant lexpress vine manipule photos.
Compare sa 2 photos la.
1. Berenger a so conference de presse hier (photo tres claire et excellente angle)
2. Pour Ramgoolam (photo floue, mets pas le PM en avantage)
Un autre exemple: photo utilise le jour de la grande victoire de BBR (floue encore et c'est pas une photo objective sa)
Rabin Bhujun should be interdicted at all press conferences of the PM because he doesn't have the minimum decorum. I saw the press conference on TV and I must say that his questions and his attitude were very childish.
The media have power but they have responsibilities too. L'express and the likes of JCL, Meetarbhan and Bhujun seem to be oblivious to the latter part.
Voila un autre bel exemple de bon journalisme.
ICW with the furor caused by L'Express Dimanche's article on castes, I invite your readers to listen to the interview of Rabin Bhujun by Ms. Bhookun.
A hilarious moment is when Deepa Bhookhun says that if what Somduth Dulthumun did and said is not incitement to racial hatred she doesn't know what it is and ask Bhujun what l'express dimanche will do about it. This is so unreal that Bhujun has to ask "c'est a dire?" the first time and then "wai, wai, wai" followed by "euh euh, ou pe rode dir mwa ki Somduth Dulthumun ine faire incitation a la haine raciale?". Deepa B. then says "mo gayn l'impression, ou pan gagne sa l'impression la ou?". Then Bhunjun continues with "en fet, en fet li bien simple li bien simple..." that if Dulthumun thinks that l'express is guilty of incitement to racial hatred then he should take the matter to the courts. Bhookhun then corrects Bhujun after his mumblings that she thought Dulthumun AND NOT l'express was guilty.
Clearly Bhujun did not think one second that Dulthumun did anything wrong but was less sure about what l'express dimanche did.
Trouve Sithanen pas dans gourvenement la...
"Depuis le début de la semaine, les autorités, à commencer par le régulateur la Banque de Maurice, n’ont eu de cesse de s’attaquer au secteur bancaire, lui demandant de relancer la croissance du crédit."
BOM faire son travail et journaliste dire li pe attaque secteur bancaire.
I wanted to share this refreshing interview by Ms. Christina Chan-Meetoo with you people.
You will appreciate the god faith of the interviewer.
@ Anonymous of September 9, 2010 10:33 PM
Thank you for the link.
Pas blier conseil ki bann parents donn zott ti-z'enfants: pas bon zouer ar zalimett...
Agwa-fel inn gratifie nu den lot interviu bidon kot li truv 2 rezon kifer nu pei en declin:
1. politizasyon institisyon piblik
2. monte bann grup divisionis (sa dapre lord zot zwe dan scottish league sa...)
Sa pann les insensib Viva Vox kinn ekrir:
Le dépérissement et la mediocratisation n'ont-ils pas commence depuis Jugnauth pere? Et se sont poursuivis depuis... Devient-on declinologue des qu'il n'y a plus de faucons pour les rentiers au sein du gouvernement? Et le role de la franc-maconnerie et de l'affiliation a francafrique dans la derive? Peut-on vraiment admirer Lee Kuan Yew et ne pas se rendre compte des poisons dans la recette Banque mondiale?
Kuma akagugo abitie dir...
@ SJ:
Effectivement VivaVox ena boukou fiel pou capave faire enn commentaire aussi cri-cri ki sa: bien zoli "PAF!"
Ti bizin capave contacter bann auteur bann commentaires et interact avec zot. Dommage...
Un autre grand moment journalistique se prepare: JCDL "parle des revelations sur les Chagos a paraitre dan l'express dimanche"... "j'ai moi-meme eu acces a ces documents"???
Ca veut dire qu'il sait faire demarrer un browser... Chapeau Jean-Claude!!!
Texte contradictoire de Rabin Bhujun qui se plaint que ce sont toujours les memes qui occupent les espaces citoyens dans les journaux alors qu'il souhaiterait que plus d'intellos se mouillent dans les debats.
Mauricien etabli a l'etranger, je lis la page Forum du Mauricien regulierement et j'ai note une nette amelioration dans la qualite et la variete des auteurs et des papiers publies ces mois derniers. On percoit aussi une certaine fraicheur dans les textes.
Je ne vois vraiment pas pourquoi il rale autant. A moins que ce soit de la jalousie maladive?
L'express has its own space for reader comments called BP247 but cannot be compared to the interesting Forum page of Le Mauricien.
The NDLR syndrome may have dealt them a fatal blow.
@ Anonymous of December 27, 2010 7:19 PM:
Ouais, le paradoxe de son argumentation parassait évident. Il se rattrape dans ce texte: il nous fait découvrir les vertus du "journalisme virtuel" à l'ère des médias electroniques. Ce n'est pas trop tard qu'il le découvre aujourd'hui...
De Koustik fait Officier de la Légion d’honneur et desormais Voltaire-Gustave Flaubert mauricien. De la diplomatie a la stand-up comedy il n'y aurait qu'un pas!
Isn't it ironic ? Ram met les points sur les i.
La france aujourd'hui pe attaque la Libye pour so petrole pas a cause soi disant liberte peuple libyen. Juste pour faire comprendre a certains 'fou de la france" sur ce forum que la France en a rien a faire de Jean Claude ou autres "grand fils du sol mauricien" a la sauce voltaire ou flaubert. La liberte d'expression que defend JC fait la propagande des grands puissants de ce monde pour s'accaparer de la richesses petrolieres et resources minieres sur le continent africains et ailleurs dans le monde. Ou il vont ils pretendent defendre "La liberte d'expression" mais ils ne cherchent que le profit et la servitude de ces peuples...donc cette recompense est logique pour l'union europeenes et les etats unis d'amerique...pas pour les "cannon fodder" de ceux qui ne sont ni europeens ni americains. Personellement je trouve que JC a diabolisé certains personnages qui ont fait l'histoire de Maurice dans ses deux livres aux depens des anciens forces colonisateurs. Ce n'est qu'une ironie aujourd'hui qu'on lui fait des louanges pour avoir aider sans le savoir a la propagande de ces pays buveurs de petroles et experts en duperie ! JC devrait mieux savoir mieux que quiconque que ces gens gens n'honorent point ...
In an opinion piece today Mr Iqbal Kalla pledges to remain true to his honest self by choosing to value comments that fit his own noble agenda! Any concern about accountablity and transparency is simply unwarranted! Did you you say axis of evil? En tout cas, the founding members of l'express would be fuming...
According to Media Focus share of L'express Dimanche drops from 12% to 7% in six months. Le Dimanche is at 13% compared to 5% in August 2009. Quite revealing.
L'express the spitting image:
What is wrong / unethical here: the non-availability of the full article/interview for getting the 'bigger picture' or general context of the statements? the style of questioning? cherry-picking on KP's statements? the nature of the comments...? The level of delusion of most of commenters?
Same person, interviewed on the same subject, but with different question content and style, and done some days later/sooner...
La boue pe moque la mare. Lol!
L'express has demonstrated that our PM is a good dancer which is something we knew. Now it is trying to inform us that Ramgoolam has a galaxy.
Will l'express soon tell us about the other galaxies of politicians in a non-partisan way? I am sure many of them must at least have a small solar system.
I failed to see the link that they are so desperate to show between the quick enrichment of a few and their proximity with the present government - a thing that is supposedly new. Who does not recall "festival de la terre", Sun Trust, etc.? Yes, things seems fishy, but these photos don't bring anything new and demonstrates once again that investigative reporting is only a biased weapon in Dodoland...
People are a lot smarter now. They can see through things a lot easier. I also started watching the Deerpalsing/Meetarbhan debate on the issue. Nawaz Noorbux comes across as being in hurry to prevent Nita from arguing her points. Then again that's nothing new under the sun.
Dire moi ene affaire. L'express la se pas ene tabloid fake news sa?
News just came up to me that the boss of LSL also sits on Rogers board. This only confirms how "independent" their claim that fails the observation on of even the dumbest! Now they are turning Axel into a hero for the type of daring posture he would NEVER dare for the ENL/Swan scam anyways.
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