Saturday, January 15, 2011

Planning Maverick Barely Recognisable

Mauritius reduced average fertility rate from 6 to 3 in 10 short years starting in 1963. This essentially saved us from swinging into chaos given how we were to be buffeted by a naughty string of island-sinking events afterwards. We added free education between the first two oil shocks to make sure our greatest asset would help fuel a strong rebound once sunnier economic skies returned.

In 2010 the world economy rebounded without us while this year our output could be down by several billions because we failed to hold a bit more of all the rain we get in a typical year. Mauritius instead borrowed heavily to create a lot of social injustice and to boast a low-tax high-stupidity regime.

Maybe that's because the Labour Party is itself barely recognisable.


akagugo said...

Honestly, I didn't agree with the title of this post at first. but then, when I compare the slogans of the past 20 years (deuxième phase de l'indutrialisation, un gradué par famille, un laptop par étudiant, un toit pour tous, cyber-island, regional hub, transport gratuit pour les ainés et étudiants etc...) all sound so fake (like an after-taste of pre-electoral bribe) or strighforward hollow (no actual thinking / planning at all, just put in practice au petit bonheur).
Compare these with the little story that still lingers in the mind of the +25 years: "Enn zour dans enn ti-zil ti ena enn madam ti pé viv tousel avec so enn tifi... Létan passé, tifi grandi..." That advert promoting family planning, lo-tech and minimalist to the extreme, was so well made: it appealed to peoples' intelligence, conveyed so much intelligently without hurting anyone's feelings! Now look at what we have around us: no guiding line whatsoever... We accutely need focus. Yes, plannning maverick is barely recognisable, and that tiger may drop dead of thirst very soon...

Kranti said...

SJ: You should have noticed that whereas the population growth (in terms of %0) it has decreased year by year in the Hindu component of the population compared to that in the Muslim component which is increasing year by year. For god's sake, don't brand me a "communaliste"! This is bare truth.
This would imply that: either, the Muslim community is getting more and more means to enable it to fed more mouths contrary to the hindu component; or a significant number of Hindus have converted into other faiths; or there is a deliberate move by the Muslim community to increase its number.
If the latter is true, then for what purpose.
I have been blunt!

akagugo said...

@ Kranti:
"the population growth (...) has decreased year by year in the Hindu component of the population compared to that in the Muslim component which is increasing year by year. (...) the Muslim community is getting more and more means to enable it to fed more mouths contrary to the hindu component; or a significant number of Hindus have converted into other faiths; or there is a deliberate move by the Muslim community to increase its number"
So what?
I didn't get your point: is this trend to be celebrated or feared? In any case: why and how?
Check this blog out: it will either reduce or increase your 'awareness' of the trend you mention. In any case, please elaborate on your appreciation of the situation, whether you like it or not, etc...

Kranti said...

Simple, mon cher akagugo. You do not get it or you feign not to get it! If one is really sleeping (well, there is false sleeping - I only want to stress) waking one up is a very easy task; BUT, if one is feigning to be asleep, then my friend, waking one up is almost an impossible task!

Imagine the population of Mauritius if as a rule, every couple starts producing 5 to 6 children. You still don't see it?

Kranti said...

Further to my comment to akagugo, should we make Mauritius an "overcrowded baracoon" as wrote V.S naipaul (is it?)? Why should one component act responsibly and the irresponsibly? why? why?

Anonymous said...

Mr Kranti: ou ti pou besoin acheter ene la bible si ou ti rentre dans Form 1 St Esprit la Qui ou penser lor sa?

akagugo said...

I happen to like VS Naipaul very much, and his description of failed states like Pakistan and Iran are vividly described in his writings. Thank you for allowing me to discover that he saw Mauritius as an 'overcrowded baracoon'. But that was back in 1973, right? And we managed to survive in that baracoon, eh?
So, now, after the Banker's scale of frustration, there's Kranti's scale of sleepiness...? I'm in fact not at all curious how you measure that... Nice for you inventors of arbitrary scaling and labelling :-)
So, you think you are blunt? Why not say actually what you want to say - for example by answering this simple question reiterated here: is this trend to be celebrated or feared? In any case, how and why? Blunt, but not bold? :-)

akagugo said...

@ Anonymous of January 24, 2011 8:54 AM:
"Un parent a déclaré à L’Hebdo, sous le couvert de l’anonymat : «Nous sommes hindous, mon fils également, mais au collège on l’oblige à suivre la classe de Bible Knowledge, alors que l’hindi est optionnel. J’ai même dû acheter une Bible, car les cours ont déjà commencé ». Il ajoute que son fils n’aime pas suivre cette classe « parce qu’il n’a pas d’affinité avec la religion catholique, bien qu’il respecte la foi des autres...».

Question bête à sa parent-la: couma ou faire pou respecter saki ou pena affinité ek ki ou pa conner?

Mais bon, samem dimoune ki perr perdi majorité, inn mett so néné la-dans on behalf of 'his' silent majority...

Paranoïa, quand tu nous tiens...

Anonymous said...

Paraitre qui feq (4-5ans) commence enseigner sa matiere la. Mo envie juste comprend qui sanla ine gagne l'idee pou introduire sa matiere comme matiere obligatoire et qui so raisonnement.

Mo pa trouve sa correct. C'est assez pareil avec bane dimoune qui vinne en groupe pu harcele ou lacase pu lire la bible.

akagugo said...

@ Anonymous of January 26, 2011 7:15 PM:
Bein, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, non? Viewed from another angle (mine), it's a formidable opportunity to discover about a new belief system for the non-catholic, a means of discovering common ground, non? Alors, why whine about the environment if you think you are strong enough to not be swayed but to learn, to find common goals and show resilience?

In another line of thought, is it the same "pressure" in the various Islamic or Adventist secondary schools existing around the island?

I know someone who studied Hinduism at HSC level at Hindu Girls College which, she compained, was a subject that contained nothing about religion... Which is which?

Non, back to the subject title: planning is really lacking here these days. It's as if we were a fashion-victim, trying to copy all latest trends that are being implemented elsewhere with the hope that we will be 'in' and forgetting their about purpose, while it is in fact our lack of understanding of what drove the changes elsewhere paves the way for potential failure when the same trend is forced into our local context. One of so many examples: the notorious flat-tax system...

Anonymous said...

"When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said, 'Let us pray.' We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land."

Desmond Tutu.

Mo pense qui dans Maurice chacun connait un peu la religion de l'autre. Mais avant tout la religion c'est ene affaire assez personnel entre ou avec le Bon Dieu. Comment quelqu'un ti dire lor radio l'autre jour dans l'affaire McDonald ou pas capable impose ou religion lor des gens qui pas ena meme religion qui vous ou qui athee.

Ce genre de politique capable cause ene repli indentitaire comme nous ti trouve avec les chambres de commerce ethniques il y a dix ans.

Anonymous said...

Nous pe gagne un peu plus la lumiere lor sa histoire la.

Bible knowledge est obligatoire mais capable pas suivre si parent a des objections. Mo pas comprend qui faire pas ti laisse li optionel dans ce cas.

Pas drole vous autres que c'est sa Monsieur la qui vient avec sa l'idee la. Nous ti trouve lui dans la greve de la faim des planteurs de Riche-Terre. Li souvent pe rode la bagarre, mette so nez nez ou sa pa concerne li et mele l'eglise dans tout la sauce.

Avant ti ena 50% places reserves pour les catholiques dans les ecoles confessionnelles. Apres qui Tengur a gagne son proces et ou ena ti admette au Privy Council qu'ils pratiquaient la discrimination ils sont venus avec un 'coustik': 'option pour les pauvres'.

Pas difficile pour les autres composantes de venir avec le BEH, BEC, BEM etc (bureau d'education hindoue, chinoise, musulmane). Ensuite on verra si Mailie pu celebrer une pedagogie differente

akagugo said...

Wai, maniere ça pe aller, religion (including religious self-proclaimed leaders, associations 'socio-culturelles, etc) ki pou devire sa pays-la en-bas lao...
Glo-o-ry to thee...

Anonymous said...

Dapre lorde College Eden ine adopte ene 'predagogie differente' pou faire ene 100% au niveau SC.

Anonymous said...

Defi has investigated practices in other confessional schools and has found that religious studies are not imposed on children who do not have the same faith. This is how it ought to be in a secular state.

It is good also that the Minister of Education has reaffirmed that we are a secular country and has initiated an enquiry.

The MMM has not commented on the affair at all.

Anonymous said...

Pedagogie differente??? Ahem...

Anonymous said...

Faute politique ca pas faute religion

Jolie contre-observation de Mohandass Mohan.

Depuis quelques mois on le voit bien à travers ses prises de positions démagogiques et racoleuses, Jean Maurice Labour veut se donner un rôle de poseur de jugement. Qui peut lui en vouloir? Nous sommes au siècle des démagogues et chacun veut sa part de publicité éphémère. Depuis l'éternité des siècles les hommes de religion,malgré tous leurs excès leurs crimes se sentent, par on ne sait quel miracle à nous assommer en se prenant pour des garants de la morale. Il y a dans les propos de Labour un culot qui dépasse l'imagination. Personne n'a jamais dit que les hommes politiques étaient des saints, mais de là à venir dire que c'est la politique le principal vecteur de division quand on sait le rôle des religions à Maurice et à travers le monde, c'est vraiment nous prendre pour des diminués intellectuels. Y-a-t-il quelqu'un dans ce pays qui serait assez naif pour croire que les religions ont unis les mauriciens? Il suffit de lire l'histoire contemporaine de notre pays pour savoir ce qu'a été le rôle des religions dans la fabrication de la nation. Même en remontant aux temps de l'esclavage on retrouve ce rôle néfaste de l'église. Mgr Margéot lui même écrivait noir sur blanc que l'église a été plus que tolérant à l'égard des esclavagistes. Plus pres de nous, on a vu l'église lutter sournoisement contre l'indépendance, être contre le contrôle des naissances et j'en passe. Et puis une question de fond: S'il peut y avoir une passerelle entre les hommes c'est en évitant les religions. Si les religions ont des dogmes cela veut bien dire ce que cela veut dire: Toutes les religions monotheises croient leur vérité absolue. A partir de la elles sont naturellement des sources de division. Par quel miracle les hommes de religions se croient autorisés à s'ériger en moraliste demeure un grand mystère. Dernière observation: Quel est la différence entre le pouvoir politique et celui des religieux? Celui des politiques est démocratique. Un homme politique se soumet aux urnes et peut se faire virer tous les cinq ans. Les hommes de religions sont des chefs à vie. Et ca dure depuis toujours.

Anonymous said...

"Par quel miracle les hommes de religions se croient autorisés à s'ériger en moraliste demeure un grand mystère"
Non, j'ai résolu le mystére: c'est l'ARGENT!!!
C'est l'argent qui perpétue tout ce bordel puant et incetueux. C'est l'argent qui fait que les religieux s'entendent avec le big-bizness et assourdit/ferme les yeux des fidèles/croyants sur tout ce que fait le big-bizness. Sous couvert d'être le porte-parole de "nou-bann", les religieux permettent au big-bizness de contourner les règlements (ça, c'est pour les couillons qui croient), et le big-bizness finance en retour tout ce que les religieux demandent pour "raffermir" leur emprise sur les couillons. Attention, comprenez bien que le terme "big-bizness" est en fait un 'umbrella-term': c'est le secteur privé pour les 'population générale', une partie des musulmans et les sino-mauriciens, c'est le service civil (incluant ses entrelacs d'influences ethno-castéistes) pour les hindous, et voilà. Réducteur, peut-être, mais surtout pas faux!
Moi je m'en fous de la religion de toute manière, car je suis le chef auto-proclamé des croyants en le Lideurr-Maximo du Party Malin: Le Visionaire Vénérable et Miséricordieux Dhanrajsingh Aubeeluck!

Anonymous said...

10% bane etudiants refuse d'etudier le Bible Knowledge au CSE.

S'il y a 50% non-chretiens dans sa college la, sa veut dire peut-etre 20% d'entre zotte fine dire non. C'est beaucoup. Surtout qui beaucoup parents capon (peur represaiiles) et qui beaucoup fine deja aste ene la bible.

A moins que c'est 12 bane catholiques qui pas interesse avec Bible Knowledge (Le comble!). Le CSE besoin publie la religion banne qui ont refuse.

Le fait que bane non-chretiens qui faire mieux dans sa sujet (d'apres la prof Linda Prayag) confirme qui bane non-chretiens tout le temps gagne bane meilleurs resultats dans sa college catholique la.

On peut verifier la liste des laureats et les classes.

Anonymous said...

Ala quelqu'un avec un joli parcours: cerneen, quite Maurice parce que le pays aller couler apres l'independance et Johannesburg en temps d'apartheid.

Et bravo pour la premiere dans l'histoire de l'humanite!

Anonymous said...

J.M. Labour penser qui besoin faire les archives du MGI sur travailleurs engages devenir publique. Mo penser lui besoin sa pour continuer faire son joli travail de nation-building.

akagugo said...

Wai, kiferr ena apé braké contre publication bann archive-la? Ki capave éna dé explosif la-dans: TNT?

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...


Uswa enn "fat boy".

Mwa mo kont piblikasyon sa bann arsiv pu le moman prinsipalman akoz nu pa bizin enn nuvo distraksyon. Nu deza dan fatak la, pa bizin nwal dan karo lakasya sa kut la.

Lidersip inn disparet dan nu pei depi tro lontan, asterla management usi pe maron.

Anu focus lor management dan nu pei plito ki pu konsolid apartenans ki nu ena pu Moris.

akagugo said...

@ SJ
Si bann archive-la enn distraction, abé nargnié pa enpéss nou ferr "parallel processing", non? :-)
Non, mo pé comprend kott ou pé rod vini: éna tro boukou ki nek veiy séké pou servi ça kom prétéx pou engage nou lenerzi dan bann zaferr contre-productif: wai,éna sanss ki li vinn enn "fat boy" mem. Lor la, mo dakor. Mé komié létan nou bizin atann?
La maniérr éna pé "restless" lakoz enn zafferr "benign" coumha ferr moi bien perplex.
Ek nou constaté oussi ki missié Labour sak fois gagne mari nissa prend position diamétralement opposé ar missié Dulthummun, nek rentt dans enn débat aussi initil ki ça san réalisé ki li pé montré enn figir bien "hargneux"/"teigneux" dan tou saki li dirr piblikman. Ki so problem, hein? Li donn l'impression ki li trouve tou situation kouma enn koulou ki nek pé demann enn koutt marteau. Komié trou bann kouma li pé kitté dans Dodoland.

Anonymous said...


Bon sa bann arsiv la permet desin larb zenealogik bann travayers engaze ek osi ena linformasyon lor zot kast. Mo kestyon se kisana kumsa bizin konn mo zarb apard bann dimunn ki ladan, hein? Lot zafer seki ena bann tordi dan nu pei ki konsider sertin sitwayein kuma selma memb enn kast. Fer sa vin piblik u pu truv zot pik latent laba. Mo pense sa bann linformasyon la ena enn gro kompozant prive ki pa bizin vinn piblik.

Fode pa fasilit travay bann nimp. Nu tu sitwayin Moris. Point bar.

Anonymous said...

Alors, comme ca les homosexuels sont des retardes mentaux, handicapes et malades?


akagugo said...

@ Anonymous of July 9, 2011 2:13 AM:
"kisana kumsa bizin konn mo zarb apard bann dimunn ki ladan, hein?"
Pa moi. Mo'nn baz moi lor enn analozi bien simp: kan rezilta CPE (ou SC, HSC, saki oulé) affisé, sé ziss bann ki concerné ki senti la motivation pou al guetté. Parfois, pou assure confidentialité, sé ziss 'index number' ki affisé. Mo p'enkor trouv enn kikenn ki'nn prend la-penn al fourn so néné dans rézilta l'examen ki concern piti so voisin so nièce ki ti gagne la-guèrr ar so cousin so zann so demi-frérr so voisin d'en face... Mé si ou touzour pé pérr information ki concerne bann dimounn kinn fini mort, abé ki ou pou dirr lor la-lis electoral?? Less mo ferr ou part ki ou nom, ou ladress, ou niméro téléfonn ek tou votant ki trouv dan ou lakaz 'publicly available' (I concede: copies are available against a fee - ask companies whose business is to perform house-to-house surveys where they get all your personnal / residential info; I've worked in one of them some years ago) - eski kikenn dott ki ou inn pren la-penn al check ou life? :-) Alorss, touzour pé gagn perr bann papié ki pé zonni dans enn godam?
Pou moi, peu importe ki mo ancett ti été, mo félicitt li pou so zéfor pou tirr so lafami dépi dan enn problem ek pou donn li enn espoir dans l'avenir ki pa ti pou ena si li ti réss kot li ti né. Mo pensé ki sé mem motivation ki bann zenn-zenn moriciens 'dans la fleur de l'âge' apé kitt Dodoland zordi-zour. Quel dommage...

Entretemps, Mare aux Vacoas pé kass rékor, tandis que M. le Ministre est à Singapour: "...Autre volet du programme : la convention sur l’eau qui est une plate-forme pour des experts de l’industrie, des régulateurs et des universitaires de partager leurs idées sur les défis de l’eau. Cette convention vise à explorer les applications pratiques de solutions technologiques, des stratégies de gestion et de planification de même que des modèles financiers liés à la problématique de l’eau. Les quatre principaux thèmes de l’événement sont les solutions pour l’efficacité et l’efficience des systèmes de gestion de l’eau, la planification pour des solutions durables pour l’eau, la qualité de l’eau et la santé ainsi que la gouvernance et les finances."
Mais enfin, couma experts singapouriens capav comprend problem mauricien pliss ki nou-mem?? Eski nou bizin comprend ki M. le Ministre pa'lé okenn reserss local ek ferm tou saki ena relation ar reserss lor dilo: UoM/UTM, Water Resources Unit, Mauritius Research Council / Jeetah's National Water Research Group sipaki?

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...


Si personn pa pwal fou so nono ladan sa ve dir pena enn bel deman pu sa ek pa bizin fer li vinn piblik.

Mo pense ki dimunn konn enn ta zafer lor so kamwad vu ki isi pa six degrees of separation ki derule me probableman three seconds of separation.

Si papier pe zoni dan enn goddam bizin scan zot pu konserv zot: pa sa ve dir bizin neceserman fer zot vinn piblik.

Bann arsiv la kontenir bann linformasyon personel lor bann sitwayen Moris: mo sipoze li parey kuma enn pelrinaz kot bann indomorisyen dekuver zot bann anset ek zot servi sa pu al dan len pu al rod zot rasinn. Li sirman enn lexperiens intens pu dimunn konserne.

Ena petet pe frame sa kuma enn frayer, me mo pluto pense ki se enn linformasyon prive ki zere par leta.

Li parey kuma wwinvit mwa manze kot u. Ler fini manze u kav SI u envi montre mwa u albem famiy (fode mo dan mud pu gete usi: kav sa kalia la fini met mwa K.O.). Me u pa oblize montre mwa u bann foto pe zoni.

En bref, mo pur enn restricted access. Serser serye kav sumet zot proze apre enn komite de saz kav deside si e komie access pu done.

Kompartimentalizasyon informasyon important.

Posib ena enn seans lapriyer Singapur.

akagugo said...

@ SJ:
"Kompartimentalizasyon informasyon important."
Dakor nett.
Mé bizin 'de-classify' enn zour pa-enn-zour. Enfin, espéron ki pa pou enkor éna vautour / véyerr séké pyromann.

"Posib ena enn seans lapriyer Singapur"
Parski sé bien la-prierr mem ki éna enn ti-sanss empéss CWA fél dans so mission ek vision...

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...


Petet ena enn parti deza declassified ubyen kav declassify tudswit. Mo pa kone: zame monn al laba. Me ena usi enn parti kitfwa zame bizin declassfy parski li linformasyon personel.

En pasan sirman bann dimunn byen saz kinn desid pu classify sa bann arsiv la. Zot pa paret ti mank role.

Parkont seki ti bizin declassify tudwsit se bann kontra IPP, kuma STC finn kumans pey sibsid diri/lafarin, kuma STC finn fer enn pert hedging 3 milyar ki apre... aryo get sa nu pa konn konte... finn vinn 4.7 milyar.

akagugo said...

@ SJ
Very honourable to keep "personal information" confidential. But these will very probably concern many heirs, among which there may not be unanimity in blocking access to the information...
Just taking note that from the popularity of Facebook these days seems to confirm that Dodolanders, not especially the young ones, don't seem to give much attention to their privacy - it's an almost pathological need to post intimate pictures and texts implying and suggesting whatever they want from the personnal activities they'e indulging in on the moment, 'live', no matter if these concern the public at large or not. Our concern for privacy is now out of the window for them.
Based on this, my take on the concept of 'personal information' is that nothing is no longer private, and individuals themselves seem to find it glamorous to publish whatever thing they may or may not be doing with their real-life social contacts, may it be friending, hanging out, dating, fornicating, and what not.

Strange times, may I say.

Just imagine Soviet Russia some decades ago, the communist régime would have relished at such a tool for knowing what their citizens are doing.

Strange times indeed.

Maybe China is working on something similar, that's why FB is still banned there, eh?
And some may wish that Wikileaks gets access to that: I forecast this to happen in the not-so-distant future.

Totally unrelated to national archives, but crually relevant to our everyday plight: one tiny island is aiming at self-sufficiency in fresh water right now...

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...


I guess many people must have gone to the archives to find out about their roots but these didn't find their way to FB. I take it as some good news for our country.

People also need to be educated with respect to their rights: you may want to know about x,y,z pieces of information about someone BUT she doesn't have to tell you. See, in Canada for example you don't have to put your age on your resume.

We have some way to go here given that some seem to have forgotten that we are independent country since 1968.

Looks like Prem Saddul the new CWA chairman will give rain harvesting a good try. Hope he can be trusted with a schedule.

Anonymous said...

Dapre l'ordre sa deputy-trade representative la pa kontan matam sa... Li bon qui li pane al guet PM tusel.
Li bon oussi ki sa prete qui ti dir qui bane homosexuels c'est bane retarde mentales, handicapes ou malades pa ti pe fer negotiation pou l'AGOA. Nek imagine ene cout qui ti pou arrive.
Sinon, bane prete qui fine abuse sexuelment bane zenfants dans si pa combien pays ek fine besoin paye lamane ou bien al craze zotte sante mentale alerman ti au top niveau...

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

Are maritime links between Mauritius and Rodrigues going to be strained because of a lack of planning?

akagugo said...

Ala enn lott proze ki pou all kontt "common sense": Roches Noires Smart City.
Vishnu pe donn bann sign bien-bien inkyetan...

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

VL so smart city la wadire enn glorified-IRS. Ki kalite travay nu bann smart zenes pu gagn ladan? Zardinye hi-tek?

akagugo said...

Now we witness Nando having accepted almost blindly a Chinese gift and now begging for assistance for servicing... One wonders why the commoners like us check on maintenance facilities before choosing our own vehicle, while he's supposed to be surrounded by people who are paid for planning these things.
I fear that we are waiting for this type of morbid consequence of planning disaster at so many levels, including Dayal-style policing, for our Authorities to wake up from their torpor.
Planning, planning... this silly word to which Smart Island is tragically allergic to.

akagugo said...

Family planning being too effective? No, again it's only now that the Authorities are discovering that fertility rate has gone well below the 2.1 figure, as if the shift occurred overnight! Give us a break! What have you been up to all this time?
And what about this hi-tech jewel - any plan for its maintenance? Or will it end up as the gas chromatographer of the University of Mauritius or that of the National Environmental Laboratory. Or like the billion-rupee worth of medicines that were found to have expired? Or like the multi-million hi-tech scanners and other hi-tech what not that are slowly but surely rotting away in our hospitals...? Batt-batting at its peak in every aspect of life, or until a new one surfaces.

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

We should be grateful to the flat tax -- and to its architects -- which has been turning back the clock of social progress for a full decade now.

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

What poor planning will do.

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

Guardian article calls Cybercity an urban planning disaster.

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

You want to know how good we are at allocating resources and hence at planning? Just count the number of Ministers that will be going to Rome with Piat. At our cost.

akagugo said...

No less that fifteen (including 9 ministers) of our parliamentarians are already enjoying these generous per diems... So, the habit of amizé-manzé-bwar (in brief: zwirr) to the max within the 5 years of the mandate is getting firmly ingrained in these elected happy-fews, eh? Are they trying to beat these frequent flyers?

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

Listened to Ramgoolam's new year's wishes. Guy congratulates himself for having had the vision of building the bagatelle dam. What's the next step? Showing up for work will soon be considered as vision?

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

We asked for help for six things from the Singapore Cooperation Enterprise. One more than Rwanda. And what about leveraging the Mauritian development experience? Too busy mesmerised listening to the pen-pushers from Bretton Woods?

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

When planning works.

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

Is planning making a much-needed comeback?

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

What has been happening at the George V stadium for the 10th IOIG smells like an epic planning failure.