Because of the biased coverage of the current campaign favouring the two main alliances. I think there are more serious reasons like airing the gross remarks Berenger made about the face of Ramgooam. And where's the IBA when you need it?
Besides we didn't get to see Ramgoolam and Berenger debate about what they are gonna do with respect to the issues that are important to us.
When one Callikan leaves, another one will enter, irrespective of the power blocks. C'est malheureusement le triste sort des Mauriciens qui payent Rs 1200. de redevance a la MBCTV chaque annee.
There are two things that we must take note here:
1 - MBC aired a recording of the incident during which Paulo compares Navin's face to buttocks.
2 - Radios aired in live conditions Navin's derogatory remarks to his communication manager.
In the first case, MBC had the "loisir" and ample time of editing/beeping Paulo's comments, but chose to air them "raw". In Navin's case, "c'est les aléas du direct", and radios could not see it coming. Logically, what should have IBA done?
Ramgoolam and Berenger debate: Gramatin mo tann Radio+ annoncer ki Navin inn accepter vinn enn interview 5pm, mais ki Paulo pe enkor tik-tiké. Zordi nou pou guetter ki-sann-la, sirtou Paulo, ena fiel pou faire face ek essaye mate ar so adversaire direct in live conditions.
Ou pa kone ki maniere RadioPlus roule (BAI ena 40% actions dan Defi Media Group). Kestions ki Nawaz puposer finn fine arrive kot Navin. Li prepare tou so banne repons li amene ar li. Eski li pou fer pareil avek Paulo ? Mo pas sire. Emission la li'zis enn 'device' pou Radio+ tap plenty-plenty lor piblicite my friend ou bizen kone sa. Aster la Nawaz pe dire ki publc pa pou kapav poz kestions. Li (Nawaz ki poz kestion). Eski ou apelle sa enn debat ou ???
There is nothing new at Rue Pasteur. It's business as usual and more so during electoral period. What is new is the partisanship of the written press and the private radio stations. These elections have seen the death of the free press. Poor Mauritius. Radio Plus is showing indecent allegiance to its financiers. Their fortune might turn in the future.
Nu fine desann vreman ba ek Callikan. Li bizin aller.
@ Anonymous:
Mo'nn deza signale la "glissement" d'enn editorialisite de radio-chouchou pendant la campagne electorale. Li ti décortique programme bann mov couma dir pe tire pice dans laké zako, mais li zis faire enn summary ar programme bann rouz. Et mo ti pé aussi essaye faire comprend ki aukenn radio pas independant, mais sak fois mo'nn poster enn comment lors so site, l'express inn censure mo comment lors Arianne C-de-l'E so editorial. Mo commentaire ti porte lors enn ti-phrase ki ti dire "la radio privée, donc indépendante". Mo ti poster enn comment pour dire ki enn radio so statut de privée pas égale indépendance, et mo'nn prend comme l'exemple le fait ki dernier sondage Sofres ( ki Radio One pe enkor reculer, troisième fois d'affilée, et ki bann propriétaire radio-la pa parett tellement indifferent pou arrete sa tendance-la ki Radio One inn alle tasse derrière Top FM ou MBC Radio. Abé mon cher, quand enn bizness pé coumence essoufler, actionnaires normalement pou essaye donne koute rotin bazar pou ordonne la direction redresse la barre, ou bien, zot change direction mem, ou bien si la-oussi nargnié mem, zot ordonne enn refonte complète, mais en tout cas, zot pas resse trankil. Dans cas Radio One, silence radio mem (no pun intended). Mo ti cwar ki enn radio privée so turnover depann directement de revenus publicitaires, ki li-mem depann grandement lors taux d'audience. Alorss, kouma capav cwar ki Radio One indépendant dans enn cas koumsa? Mo éna boukou doute lor-la.
Finalement, Paulo oussi finn donne interviw lor radio-chouchou, mais vrai débat pa finn éna - apparamment, Paulo ti deza fini program enn meeting dans mem time-frame ki Navin ti pou présent dans studio. Quel dommage!
@akagugo: le sitoyen morisyen li kwinse ent la sentinelle ek mbc ek radio plus. Ou sioule ent De L'estrac ek Callikan. Nivo tretman linformasyon en zeneral a c dan dife a radio plus. Excepsyon fet de sa kuvertir eleksyon ki R+ fine fer zedi la: ti excellan.
MBC TV so kuvertir depouyman li ti a c mediok ek mo pa fine appresyer ki Selvina Sadien kumans JT hier par dire ki Lutchmeenaraidoo ek ene 2 lezot ti fine 'mord la pussyer'. C ene mank de respet flagrant enver ban dimun kine kan mem servi nu pei bien. Bien bizin ene nuvo DG a MBC.
Wi c vreman domaz ki pa fine ena ene deba d sefs.
Monn tiek JT pandan enn semen ek preske tu lezur truv ek tann Calikhan. Mank item pu aborde lor TV?
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