Monday, July 2, 2012

Barclays Chairman Quits Over Libor-Rigging

Days after his bank was fined GBP290 million. There is pressure for the CEO to resign too. While David Cameron announces a parliamentary inquiry into the scandal. And an insider tells us how it was done in the open.

Banksters in action? Check how Buffet ended up taking over Salomon Brothers 21 years ago.


akagugo said...

Another bankster rewarding its top brass indecently.

All things considered, I am forced to agree with Jack when he argues that we are all slaving off to pay back banking charges that apply to all transactions in various forms:

"Quand on baisse le Repo Rate pour favoriser l'emprunt, les banques maintiennent leur marges d'intérêt et gagnent :
1) sur la masse d'emprunts qui augmente ;
2) sur leurs taux d'intérêt qu'ils maintiennent ;
3) sur les commissions et les autres frais bancaires (énormément) et
4) sur la vampirisation des dépôts des épargnants qui voient leurs économies déprécier par rapport au taux d'inflation."

"Stuff it!" they say...

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

I read that article too. What I like about Jack is that he keeps on learning. And he can change his take on things.

akagugo said...

Hey, some are rewarded for making losses!

akagugo said...

So, when are we going to see this form of punishment applied some day?

BoM is already aiming at more fairness in local banking practices, but as always, the vampires have someone to defend their practices...

akagugo said...

Another of the greedy ones like this one gets a lifetime ban. One of the most interesting ministries we've now got is that of a Financial Services and Good Governance: let's see how they will tackle our local greedy ones...