Mwa mo bien kontan (mont bisiklet?) Passport Office. Sa desantralizasyon ek simplifaksyon bann form la finn kontribye pu fer enn ti-mirak: u gagn u paspor andan enn semen. La pos usi finn ameliore buku. Plizier zot kontwar servi sa ti masin elektronik pu imprim enn tem-kolkamani ki fer travay-la al buku pli vit. Enn pake sa bann biro-la usi erkonn. Donk li pa mal agreab al lapos. CEB usi ena bann kontwar ki furni mem nivo servis.
Mauritius Telecom so servis ti kav buku pli bon si nu kontinye kuma avan. Sa servis MyT la dapre lord pa enn cheetah kinn diizign sa. Nu servis ledikasyon piblik dan dife net: 30% zelev CPE pa pase sak lane.
Ale u tur aster. Ki u kontan, ki u pa like?
Mauritius Telecom so servis ti kav buku pli bon si nu kontinye kuma avan. Sa servis MyT la dapre lord pa enn cheetah kinn diizign sa. Nu servis ledikasyon piblik dan dife net: 30% zelev CPE pa pase sak lane.
Ale u tur aster. Ki u kontan, ki u pa like?
Mo trouve sa-bann la top:
- La-pos: rapid, efikass.
- CSO (dépi kan in "rename" Statisticsd Mauritius?): mari top ki li métt tou so data 'online'
- Lopital: mo rapél zott ti bien trétt mwa pendan sa trwa-zour ki mo ti ospilizé-la, mém si zott bien 'under-staffed'
Astérr, bann flop:
- MBC: sél TV ki Pyongyang zalou.
- CWA: Si ou dir mwa amén enn vérr délo ék mo aménn li dan enn vérr ki koulé telman vite ki la mwatié fini perdi avan ki mo ariv kott ou, ki ou ti pou dir? Astérr pans enn ti-koutt: 55% non-revenue water ki CWA dir (estimé sa-oussi, parski zamé zott pa férr maintenanss zott valves ék instruman mizir, ek lor-la zott pini nou ek zott arrétt leak detection unit?? Ena kiksoz ki pa lozik dan zott lozik
- CEB: 4 mwa pou gagne enn simp 'clearance' pou ranz lakaz ek 3 mwa pou gagne enn contérr? Eh-ou la! Si so servis bon, sé ziss pou pass dibérr ar ou lor contwar.
- La polis: tro boukou kiksoz pou dir - plintt ki abandonné (mo'nn déklarr 5 vol, zamé inn konné ki'nn arrivé), proportion volérr / violérr / arnakérr / ésskro / etc boukou tro forr dan la-polis kan compar sif avek popilation en zénéral (wadir la-forss polisiérr pé konsantré bann pli pirr intention kan li rékrité), soumission total anver bourzwaa-la (politik guétt-figirr tro flagran, sirrtou dépi ka 'First Lady'), incompétanss (guétt enn-koutt couma traffic-la largué couma bann ti-bolom blé sové dépi lor ron-pwin dan 'peak time' al kassiétt lapli), etc, etc... mank courtwazi, mal-abiyé (pa boutonn zott iniform, iniform sal, soulié mal-brossé, etc, nou pa kozé zordi...
Wep. Problem delo inn amelyore kot finn sanz tiyo. Ti pu fini regle sa san trickle-down economics.
Mauritius Revenue Authority. Service E-filing extra simplifier la vie.pas bisin papier,alle rod parking, met lake et la plupart bne forme return surtout pu bne salarie extra facile pu comprend.En plus zot continuer innover ek different modes paiements ( sms, atm, debit card ), FITA service dans bne lekol etc.MRA aussi ene bne rare institution public ki repondre ou email.Recemment, zot fine aussi introduire systeme complainte en ligne et portal kot ou cav track status ou paiement ou refund online.ena encore bku zafer cav fer encore et mo pense ki zot pas pu arête ameliorer.
To confirm the top level service of our public healthcare system:
- Moka Eye Hospital: went in there for my daughter's red eye last week at 19:11. Came out at 19:18. Back at home 10 minutes later, and my wife still can't believe that we got to check in and check out with medications and all in such a short time....
- ENT Hospital of Vacoas: went in there at peak time during a week day to have my son's ears checked for potential hearing loss. He got examined within 10 minutes, got an appointment for an audiometry test within a fortnight. Then had the test done at the exact time written on the appointment card.
Quick, courteous, efficient staff at all stages. What is it that you can ask more? Ceartainly, not everything can be perfect: both hospitals are very old and were designed for a much smaller population / number of footfalls, and need a serious updating and upgrading - let's hope our Authorities realise that these are gems of our Welfare State and really deserve preservation.
I can sense an article in the Forum section.
We should give them the 60k ha that's under sugar cane to manage.
La mo fek sorti ENT pou mo ti bolom.
It all took just 45 minutes, which includes waiting time, inclusive of examination and delivery of next appointment date for surgery... I was told that my boy's surgery would be confirmed within one month from now, but one hour later, they called because they managed to find a free slot for him for admission tomorrow itself...
Try and get that speed in the private health system, then I eat my shorts!
On another plane, living in Vacoas must be quite beneficial for people: you have an ENT hospital that can treat all your sore throats (very convenient in winter, eh?) in no time, for other minor ailments you have a dispensary at La Caverne, and for more serious cases you have Princess Margaret Hospital (Lopital Candos doh!) less than 10 bus stops away from Vacoas Bus Terminal. Even if Vacoas is a dead place from all points of view (or merely a dormitory supplying well-rested people to other economic centres), it seems that the colonial rule planned these upper Plaines Wilhems regions, complete with the Gymkhana and Jardin Botanique in Curepipe, with a clear intent in mind: to ensure access to the best healthcare and well-being to its labour at all times.
What if we adapted this thinking to the whole of Mauritius: top quality healthcare and natural leisure amenities within 2-5 km of all main dwelling centres?
Nu koz servis dan sekter prive enn ti kut. Sanla se enn de pir ki nwena. Ek se pa promye fwa. Enn bon plas pu enn minis resikle li.
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