By making vague pronouncements on a subject he knows very little about: Mauritius. He also came on TV and said we're doing fine because our unemployment rate is apparently 2% lower than the one in America. Nuances of the kind we expect from a Nobel were totally missing.
Given that he was locally marketed as one of the architects of the successful Clinton years it's a real pity that he failed to connect some basic dots. Isn't that a case of the great man's disease?
Hier mo ventre finne fermal quand mo finne ecoute lor TV. Voila gaspillages ki nous finne faire par donne 1 pourcent training levy....zot(compagnie landmark) finne faire ca bougre la vinni pou training finne gagne cash par bal aster li p remercier moris par faire flat meme cause transport gratuit! besoin envoye li un note remerciement aster?
Oh non...
"This is not to say that Mauritius is without problems.(...) it is confronting a loss of exchange-rate competitiveness. And, as more and more countries intervene to weaken their exchange rates in response to America's attempt at competitive devaluation through quantitative easing, the problem is becoming worse. Almost surely, Mauritius, too, will have to intervene."
Ki-faire li'nn trouve important donne bann gourma la-minn di-pain enn prétext pou contign lobbying pou enterre roupie...?
Maybe he was talking about the huge amount of cash that he got here through his paid he coming back again? He needs to be briefed on the Medpoint point deal, Stimulus package Rama style - delivery Darga style, road congestion management navin style etc etc.
Li faire rier ca!!
Lesson in critical thinking - Lexpress p tappe tambour avec ca article la. banne espece de C......
Have you seen a review, of say a medical product, done my a good Doctor? Well, at the end of the review you can see something like this - Dr X declares he/she has no financial interests in the product etc etc.
This man here, although not a medical doctor, forgot to tell the readers of that article that he made a lot of money here in Mauritius during his visit - money talks ...or money from giving talks!!!
BTW, people have responded well to his thoughts on the Guardian - zot finne bien repondre li concernant so myopie lor economie nous pays.
Mighty Nobel man but simplistic analysis - crazy to be saying the Mauritius chooses not to spend on an Army and urges the USA to do same. This man hasn't done his homework well.
Well said SJ - he know very little about Mauritius!!
Poor man, his vision must have been clouded by the other shadow economics expert turned stimulus giver (Mr Darga) he spoke with on TV. May I remind our readers that whilst the Nobel man talked about how the stimulus was misused in the USA Darga kept silent about how the stimulus tragedy was even worst here unfolding in-front of our eyes whilst they were talking on TV.
Why and how didn't he know about this basic thing? Yet he was here to teach us a few things about this and that!
Sanjay were you not invited to add a little spice to the debate?
Deepa Bhookun aussi p donne un coup de main la dans - bel article dans L'express lor coument ca bougre la a p met Maurice lor Map Internationale(ou lor map ridicule) - Little knowledge is dangerous Miss Deepa!
un bon cadeau pou 12 mars hein. ano decors li GOSK do.
ca link pli bon - so title cest The Greatest Country on Earth, un peu comment dire un jolie livre ki to lire quand la pluie p tomber et to lor to sofa avec un cafe ou chocolat chaud.
I would like to know how many people went to listen to him - multiply this amount by about Rs 30,000 and then make estimates for other events(MBC, Radio..)Well he is a happy man.A happy man writes happily about stuff resembling Pinnochio au pays des jouets.
Li pas mention SSR and NR? Kel domage!
Jerry Seinfeld said once that he was puzzled by TV adverts on Soda.....he said he would see people having fun...jumping bouncing, happy.....beautiful women walking around...etc etc. Then he said.....I just don't understand this - when I open a can of my favorite Soda nothing of that sort occurs....maybe I am putting too much ice in mine!!!
I feel the same - is this the greatest country on earth? Why am I not having fun? Maybe I pay too much VAT which is wasted and flows like mud...(scent of a woman movie....., lol)
Ramgoolam is very pleased with this article as seen on TV last night. Oh, about 4-5 ministers were there listening to him sing the praise of the praise in a captivating mood. Our ministers are indeed busy people.
Couldn't stop laughing seeing Bunwaree - this heavy Einstein doesn't know that once the Met office has failed and students are indoors at school and rain is pouring in torrents it is unsafe to let them out because they would be more exposed - exposed at the peak of the danger - for water accumulates and flows like an angry snake. How did he become minister??
Is the PM aware our Met Office fails us when we badly need them? We had the peuple admirable, thing he said when he got d.....after first victory, now we have the greatest country on earth! He will no doubt use this one now(he didn't forget to remind us that the other expert is a Nobel laureate).
PS - think we should make the distinction between hard science Nobel's and the econ one more public!
Ena ki content faire extrapolation depi missié-la so commentaire...
Watching the tsunami as it happens in Japan live I wonder what we will do if it hits us one day ....Met office zero with admirable PM
Think this 9 March entry needs to be published in LeForum with footnotes for the 4 links!!
Rs 30,000 X 1500 people (estimate) plus one MBC show and one Radio show(both Rs 500,000, estimate again) = Rs 4.6 million. Not bad! Plus free air ticket, meals, Hotel accommodation etc etc.
Sadly, as Robin Williams says, George Bush Jr cannot go on a speaking tour! 'is our children learning' is the ultimate phrase that killed him!Otherwise he would be making a lot of money too.
Ramgoolam dire et redire dans so message 12 Mars ki ca bougre p dire USA besoin apprendre avec nous. Apprendre koi hein? Comment reste trankil quand enan corruption.
Rasmgoolam ti bien vague lor problem dilo hein, dans kelke mois pou enan drought encore la!! pipe percer.
Yeah, no one talks about leaking pipes now! Are they miraculously gone? Hello Ministre Dilo, where are you? I saw him on Lexpress taking a look at the new mercedes benz. C ali enan letemps faire?
Minister takes a peak at Benz, doesnt like to peek at leaks
ki li p cause ca missier la, li connais li ki zot ti faire nous exchange rate vinni. mo finne deja paye mo croire 75 roupies pou un livre sterlin. enan dimoun fin bien faire fete ici dans moris pendant ki etudian mauricien fin paye les pots casse.
Has this entry been forwarded to the man? He needs to really look at it, he can learn a thing or two!
Prof. Joseph Stiglitz is a Nobel Prize Winner in Economics, bestselling
writer, Professor of Economics at Columbia University,
Former World Bank Chief Economist and Chairman of President
Clinton’s Council of Economic Advisors and one of the architects
of the longest economic expansion in the U.S. history.
PM is busy talking with his British advisor Professor Andrew Scott these days. I wonder what they talk about? What does A.S. know about Mauritius anyway? Even Gregoire is in Mauritius more often than him. Maybe PM should think about enlisting the good father as his economic advisor.
A.S. should share a part of the blame for the mess in which we are. Maybe he is the one who advised all of this?
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