Friday, February 18, 2011

Eski Leta Gagn Drwa Interdir Leson?

Enn gran deba pe deroule la: Minis Bunwaree inn vinn ek enn zistwar ki apel Enhancement Programme. Sindikalis Vinod Seegum pa dakor ek sa program la. Li pe usi dir ki Bunwaree ti bizin kumans par sanz kurikulum ek enkadreman. Mo entierman dakor lor sa dernye pwin la.

Ki u ena pu dir lor la?


akagugo said...

Eski leta gagn droit...?

Quand il n'a pas le droit, il se l'arroge.
Donc, li permett li juger ki bon ki pas bon pou ou. Pareil couma program tv: Tou film ki passer bizin pass devant Film Classification Board, ek la-bas ena bann dimoune ki capav permett zott coupe film-la couma zott cwar ki li pas pou heurte bann sensibilité. Bann adultes dans Dodoland finalement bon zis pou guette Bisounours, Bouba ek Casimir. Sa kalité infantilisation-la contigner pou decide ki lafiss ki nou gagne droit guetter, ki la-boisson nou gagn droit bwar (avant election), ki manger nou capave manger (dans la-cantine), etc, etc...
Ek lerla, samem gouvernment so bann agents dire ou ki ou bizin prend ou responsabilité quand drain bouché (ena la-loi ki empess zett salté dans drain / waterways), quand bizin ou jugement (ena la-loi ki dire ki ou obliger enregistrer ou couma potentiel juré), quand traffic bloké (ena la-loi ki empess ou cause hindrance to traffic) etc etc...

Alorss, quand nou pou vinn vraiment adulte? Quand nou capav prend bann decision par nou-mem ek accepter bann consequences (samem ki appel prend responsabilité) - quand l'état pou dakor ki nou bann adulte? Ou-bien nou content trouve bann agents de l'État imply ki nou bann ti-zenfants sans cervelle ki bon ziss pou mett enn la-chaine dans nou likou?

Dans domaine lédication, li bien bizarre ki l'État créer bann conditions (tiginn places pou grand demande) pou faire ki rat-race "force" parents alle trouve toutt-sorte moyens pou gagne enn ti-place au soleil, l'État-mem permette enn violation la-loi ki li-mem inn mett en place (2 questions: kott donne lesson? Ek: komié tax Missié Seegum inn payer lors bann cass-lesson ki li empoché sak la-fin di-mois??), l'État-mem vinn dire ki li pas bon, l'État-mem vinn dire ki so system défaillant, l'État-mem ki vinn donn lesson, enn zaffer ki li ti deja estimer ki so bann professerr pas capav donner en privé mais capave donner sous Enhancement Programme.

Li-mem pe dire ki so prof pas pe perform pou ki bann zelev pas pe perform, alorss, faire bann mem prof donn lesson pou capav dope performance bann mem zelev. Ek prof, bien-sur.

Donc, l'état-mem pez licou, limem dir pas bon ou tracer pou capav respirer, mais li-mem ki pou aide ou respirer.

Essaye comprend lozik la-dans.

Bhawna Atmaram said...

I had the chance(!!!) to go to star schools, both at primary and secondary level.

At primary level, the teacher carried on with the syllabus during tuition hours. So, we were coerced into taking tuitions, otherwise we would have been the greatest losers. Ingenious huh?

At secondary school, we were constantly bombarded with the following:

"Vous etes intelligentes, vous prenez vos lecons, donc je passerai dessus tres brievement."

So, what can you do in such circumstances?

The vicious circle keeps spinning and you have to keep up, along with the tuitions!

Anonymous said...

Bunwaree keeps coming with innovative ideas all the time eh....the new one is to guarantee a job to laureates.Does he want to be sued or what?

Sanjay - besoin envoye li lor Sherbrooke capave enan un idee innovatrice pou snow clearing

akagugo said...

@ Bhawna Atmaram:
Just thinking about your case:
"At primary level, the teacher carried on with the syllabus during tuition hours. So, we were coerced into taking tuitions, otherwise we would have been the greatest losers. Ingenious huh?"
If a teacher does like you say, insisting about you taking tuitions because otherwise you'd me missing out: doesn't it relate to a kind of forced bribery that all tuition-giving teachers do to their pupils? Because they are taking additional money for something that the State already pays them to do during their normal working hours (like a permit-issuing clerk at, say, a district council)... Right?
Now, don't tell me that there is no proof - beyind any reasonable doubt - about this going on since ages... And our authorities are not doing anything about that? Huh?

Anonymous said...

Freshly re-lected (for the fourth consecutive time!) Mr Seegum still waging war against non-taxable private tuitions: but when will be start working for his salary and stop being obsessed by his own pecuniary needs?