Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Democratisation of the Economy Could Now Take At Least 1,000 Years

That's 2 centuries more than my October 2008 estimate which was based on what Cader Sayed-Hossen was saying and the speed at which he was going about it then.

I added 200 years because I think I may have somewhat overestimated his ability to change anything with his commission and to account for the brutal reverse democratisation of the economy that took place over the past five years.


Anonymous said...

It's not just democratisation that will take centuries, with the pace that they are working all-and -sundry will take centuries.

The pace at which they are work isn't good enough, the sad thing is Ramgoolam is used to that since this is both is typical and maximal performance if one looks at what and how he did things in the past.

At times the speed at which you do things count - I once lost an excellent job opportunity in Ottawa because I couldn't manage to finish off a simulation exercise which I knew was not of much complexity.....I was just being tested on my speed.

Can we afford to be slow given the current climate? I dont think so!!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha ....What? Democratisation of the economy is not taking place, or not fast enough you dare say?

Ramgoolam will not like this my dear and he will not give you a reward or an electoral ticket.You have been warned, dont speak the truth my dear buddy.