Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Western Looters Go South

What is the link between Africa's ever-elusive quest to make poverty history and its own natural resources? Political writer Lord Aikins Adusi seems to be pointing his finger where it hurts more in Should Africa Trust the Western Media?: Western banking institutions, property development companies, defence companies and defence contractors, oil and mining corporations.


Anonymous said...

This is the time for Africans to raise their voice and let the whole world know that about those causing the poverty situation in Africa.

Anonymous said...

Most of the leaders being Western trained,they will continue to plunder. They have their stooges in all areas of human endeavours.Overheard in a local barber's shop on MK hedging:

Dimoune pas acheté ration pou deux ans ! Dharumvir TAKOOR

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

Shock doctrine all over again...