First body language. Berenger looks quite preoccupied throughout the interview he gave to Jean-Luc Emile yesterday. His body language seems to be saying that he has lost today's elections.
Next arithmetic. He reads from an "NIU report" and tell us that the secret services are expecting 37 seats for his group, 19 for Labour, 8 for MSM and 2 for the PMSD. The snag is that the total of these numbers makes 66 seats! Also pay close attention to his body language (after 7m55s) when Emile asks him whether it's not a fake document.
Finally, he says he lost the 2005 by a thin margin. Not quite. He lost by 6.2% in terms of the votes but he got 16 seats less than Ramgoolam. A 6% difference has been enough to give a comfortable majority of seats to a government each time that has happened. More on this later.
66 apres attribution best loser ... 4 remaining pou Rodrigues = 70 en tout
Non mo trouv so mood bon, mais fatiguer :)
@Bruno: Tks for pointing this out.
enfin, nous attendre un peu encore. demain a cet heurre la nou pou finnit connais.
moi mo penser mmm et al pou faire un score egal ou un peu less qui li ti faire en 2005. li pas pli compliquer ki ca. mo sur berenger dejai conne le score. li p juste force li meme reste optimiste faute pas laisse so incertitude (ou certitide de ki pou arriver) empire les resultas.
rodrigues pas elire seulement 2 depuT? kifer 4??
I don't think body language has so much to do with Mauritian elections. I was in No. 5 watching Navin doing 'porte a porte' one hour before closing time and if body language could talk, then I would say sa l'heure la zafere pa ti bon ditout pou li.
Touldé leaders inn dire "nou pé alle vers enn grande victoire", mais touldé inn reste dans zot circonscription ziska dernier minitt. Kifer bizin contigne marque ou présence lor terrain alor ki ou dire ki ou sirr ou pé "gagner confortablement"? Sa kalité paradoxe-la ki fer moi penser ki touldé leaders aussi tracassé ki zot bann carapates, ki bien bien silencieux sa-bann 2-3 semaines-la...
Mo dakor ek akagugo ki lefe ki Navin ti p grat ban dernier vote la o kontrer trahir sa gran konfians ki line affise. Idem pou Berenger.
Body language marse partu a traver le monde.
@bruno: inpe diffisil pu kwar ki NIU ti va fine trompe li sa kantite ki Berenger ti p dire nu la.
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