Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Rise and Rise of Parti Malin

It’s a real pity that the by-election in no. 7 was not held earlier because we might have seen something historic. Indeed Danrajsingh Aubeeluck (DA), the unmistakable leader of Parti Malin, could have received a number of votes close to the one the MMM candidate got. See the MMM has been on a steady decline for a long time and managed only 14% in the last by-election which took place in an urban riding. Depending on which candidate it picked the latter might have collected only 3-4% in no. 7 with DA getting around 1-2% – not unreasonable given his improving performance shown in chart 1 – if not more given how the voting pattern has been changing. Citizens after all have become increasingly smart. 


Mr. Malin has also been doing a lot better in general elections quadrupling his vote share in a decade in no. 17 (see 2) and clocking his best rank ever in the riding of Ramgoolam in 2014. He's now running in the same constituency as the outgoing PM with the aim of keeping PJ out of parliament. That's not as far-fetched as you might think given that the 793 votes he collected represent about 23% of missing votes that would have sent Ramgoolam back to parliament.


Anonymous said...

Yes, it will take eons for him to win votes in tens of thousands …

You're really funny at times.

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

Giant crowd for Malin in Plaine Verte.

akagugo said...

Point to be noted: without bus-briani-alcohol sponsored crowds, please!!

Anonymous said...

The rise and rise … and fall?

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

He got his best score ever almost doubling his previous record. 4.2%. Not bad.

akagugo said...

Just a question: how do feel seeing this exit as compared to that one?

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

Se byin ki Hurdoyal fin revini.

akagugo said...

This guy? Yeah!