Sunday, April 15, 2018

Did 36% of The New CEB Recruits Come From Rose-Hill?

This is what MP Osman Mahomed essentially wanted to know from our DPM on Tuesday. He actually requested four pieces of information on each recruit that joined the utility since January 2015. One of these was their residential address. Collendavelloo replied that it would be unlawful for the data controller who keeps this information to release it. He also mentioned the numbers per district had already been given in reply to a previous question by the same MP.

Residential addresses might indeed be the wrong information to ask. What could instead have been asked is the size of the smallest radius of the area from which most if not all of the 103 recruits – out of 290 – came from. In fact the data should be sliced in any which way and any bias should be flagged and reported to the relevant authorities for further action.

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