Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Nordic Countries Offer Best Start in Life

According to a newly built index by the Economic Intelligence Unit which measures the quality of early school environment in 45 countries. Finland, Sweden and Norway take the first three places while India grabs the last one. China is ranked 42nd. Japan sits at no. 21 but would climb about 9 spots if it made its high quality program compulsory writes the EIU.

In the meantime, Singapore students are moving out of their classrooms to expand their vistas as they get ready to widen their competitive edge. Again. Dodoland of course is planning to make students do the reverse trip during the winter holidays for another dumb dose of rote learning. And get closer to the twelve-month school year. Youpi?

1 comment:

akagugo said...

After Finland, Scotland offers its expectant mothers a box of baby essentials. A long way to match these caring countries...