Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sarkozy To Debate Hollande Tomorrow

In their only face-à-face before French voters elect their new President on Sunday. The incumbent wanted 3 such debates to use his superior talking skills to catch up to Hollande who leads by about 8% in the most recent polls. Former life partner and Presidential candidate, Ségolène Royal, has recommended a tit-for-tat strategy.

Will there be any burning stuff in it?


akagugo said...

Sit back and enjoy, and then make your own opinion. But don't dream of something like this happening on our local Pyongyang-style TV station anytime soon.

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

Ti get sa yerswar. Hollande finn byen ekut rekomendasyon so ex-seri-lamur-koko. Sarkozy pann resi mark bann gol ki bizin pu redwir lekar dan sondaz. Le Pen usi pa paret interese pu dir vot Sarko parski li pe pans "3e" tur: lezislativ.

Nivo la ti ase bon selma. Hollande finn fer buku progre ek linn byen reviz so bann fis.

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

Plis Bayrou finn fek dir ki personelman li pe vote pu Hollande.