Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Why Are HSC Pass Rates Dipping?


akagugo said...

Let's ask ourselves: are we readying for excellence at international level (aiming at being so good in, say, English language that IELTS is forfeited as entry requirement when seeking entrance at English medium universities) or just batt-batté and accept mediocrity? And end up complaining about everything mediocre delivered in wagon-ful?

Yeah, let's ask ourselves the hard questions - when top 500 companies are slowly opening up to non-graduate talent and most advanced countries moving away from exam-based assessments, why are we still stuck in the fixation about laureates, and the associated fetichist celebrations where bullies celebrate the nerds - which country still does that?

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

We could start by basing our decisions on good data and keep updating our understanding as we become a bit less stupid everyday.

akagugo said...

Or choose Franché ze debriy, Ingliss je conne... Bikoz ze penss en-deyor di-bwatt!

Let's start somewhere, yes, and start right now and stop allowing business-owners pretending to be educators lamenting on the acceptance of 3 or 5 credits or the death of their business, flush the pseudo-pedagogues to keep complicating early childhood textbooks and ridding them with basic errors of grammar and lexicon. The list can go on and on until we realise we have to flush this plutocrat class of boot-lickers pretending to kass-paké with free textbooks. Bo-marsé koutt serr!!

Umar Timol said...

merci pour ce clip. il nous faut des chiffres pour pouvoir debattre des problemes de l'education. mon sentiment c'est que le niveau a toujours ete tres bas a maurice. on nous bassine constamment les oreilles avec le mythe d'un passe glorieux ( nou ti pe travay lontem nous ) mais ce passe n'a probablement jamais existe. les chiffres, a bien y voir, n'ont guere evolue au fil des annees. maintenant il s'agit de savoir pourquoi il en est ainsi. vaste question ! umar