Saturday, April 13, 2019

A Hundred Years Later, Amritsar Still Awaits Apology

Elizabeth II has been there. David Cameron too. But so far no apology. A kniefall à la Willy Brandt for the massacre that helped liberate India would be a good start. And give the British an opportunity to come to terms with the atrocious role they've played in the loss of millions of lives in one or more Indian famines


akagugo said...

Hehe, UK's ambassador tried to chastise our PM's views on the Chagos tragedy by cancelling his queen's birthday party.
Well, since these people seem to forget the bloody trails Britain left everywhere, as his own comrades in Cabinet wanted, he can have his cake and eat it!

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

MG was about 50 when this mass murder happened.