Sunday, January 13, 2019

5 Reasons Labour/MMM Alliance Lost in 2014

1. Attempt to shift to a semi-presidential system for funny reasons without asking for voter permission in a referendum
2. Adding proportional representation (PR) to our electoral system – that would have created a lot of political uncertainty, bloated an already too big parliament and snatch a powerful weapon voters have – without getting our green light in a referendum first
3. Bérenger as PM – the guy who has only been able to win internal party elections for the past 18 years with his on/off antics and was far from being an impressive PM during 21 months
4. Sithanen – the bean-counter who killed our savings culture and introduced the economy-killing flat tax – as FM 
5. Impact of trickle-down economics (at least Rs540bn of GDP and Rs108bn of government revenue missing at end of 2014) that is Ramgoolam putting the 1% first

And what do you think are going to be the important factors in the next general election?


Anonymous said...

And what makes you think people understand the flat tax prob? They don't.

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

More and more people do.

Anonymous said...

In the land of extreme capitalism, the concept is almost as old as their country itself and getting more and more popular, so let's bet that with more information from blogs like this one or that one, more and more Dodolanders will get their facts right and stop voting against their own interests, sooner or later.