Thursday, May 17, 2018

Lepep Seems To Have A Serious Problem With Trees

First they destroy the unique Promenade Roland Armand for a tram that will not solve the traffic frankenstein. Now we hear that 63 acres of forest are going to be cleared so potatoes can be be grown on them. And let's not forget what happened to our flying fox – a species that was red-listed by the IUCN.

It would have been a lot better to follow some good advice. Which would have provided us with some interesting bragging rights. Instead of granting an indecent amount of exemptions to smart cities.

Decision-makers seem to have forgotten why trees are important. And why nature needs to be respected. But this shouldn't come as a surprise.


akagugo said...

And we'll have another problem on our concrete infrastructure soon, like in Italy nowadays, and Canada, and USA some months ago: "...des continuelles vibrations du trafic, car le ciment se microfissure et laisse passer l'air, qui rejoint la structure interne en métal et la fait s'oxyder."
See, concrete is not eternal, and unless we maintain the structures properly, they will fail, sooner or later.
Sur ce, je vous laisse apprécier le bétonnage accéléré de notre beau paysage...

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

The problem just got worse.

akagugo said...

There is a telling story unfolding abroad - the plant's lungs are on fire. And here too, we have started a strange habit here too. Cut first then promise for more.
So, when will we stop "ready-fire-aim" instead of "ready-aim-fire"?
Ah sorry, the ministry of planning has been culled since so long...

akagugo said...

Oh, and there's money growing from trees, if you have the patience and guts to let them grow...

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

Tuye pu replant en lot plas se pa en solisyon ditu. Bizin protez nu ban vi kin fer nu repitasyon. Sirtu ki sa tram la pa pu regle nanye.

akagugo said...

Bann vi? Roule lor la-routt kotyerr ti enn plezir kan mo ti tipti. Zordi, routt kotyerr ve-dir ress roule dan enn koulwar miray ross-koulerr ki protez bann kanpman bann privilevztyé kinn akapar bann la-kott.
Ploré, riyé, mé ki 'vista' inn resté zordi-zour? Saki'nn reste fini betonne, mo bourzwa - l'exemple vient d'en haut!

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

On dit merci qui?