Tuesday, January 10, 2017

iPhone is 10

It's 9h41am in San Francisco on January 9, 2007 when Steve Jobs starts introducing the product that will change everything. Mike Lazardis, co-CEO of BlackBerry, is puzzled for a few months until he opens one and stares at its guts. And doesn't find anything that makes him happy: he understands that he might now have to compete against a Mac. Microsoft derides the touchphone in public. But Gates would eventually use one.

Blackberry would still go on to more than double its market share to 20% over the following couple of years. By which time the iPhone would have seized 17% of the global market. And help Apple become the most valuable company in the world.

More than a billion iPhones have been sold so far. A little bit more than the 10 million that Jobs had expected to sell by the end of 2008.

1 comment:

akagugo said...

Quite a shift from its original commitment to premium excellence, eh?