You already know what Shaitanomics did to our savings rate. Here's something else to confirm that you've been taken for a bean-counting ride for too long.
On December 13th 2005 given that the economy was looking good in Brazil the Lula government announced that it would be paying back its USD15.5 billion IMF loan in advance. Argentina followed suit a couple of days later with a similar announcement. That's also what Lutchmeenaraidoo did in the 80s after he bewitched cyclones into avoiding Dodoland.
Compare this to Mauritius contracting billions of rupees of Bretton-Woods debt during the so-called bumper crop. That too after receiving tens of billions of FDI.
To all those who thonk ramgoolam sacked rama because of etc etc.....
he just praised rama the otehr day at the IRS thingy. ramgoolam recognises la genie de rama!!1
Ramgoolam pa paret tro tande ek compran seki li dire.
En plis line laisse un genie sap dan lame... Couma nous pu fer aster la?
A moins ou ene so koler lafiss qui ti gagne largent depi dan Stimulus Package...
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