Thursday, December 8, 2011

Kozelidir Person of The Year 2011

Attributed to Steve Jobs for making an insanely beautiful dent in the Universe. And then ordering a Spaceship.


akagugo said...

A dent in the universe? Marvel at the dents that this little moon makes on the F-ring of Saturn...

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

Extraordinary. Hopefully many Standard I kids will be shown this clip and be supplied with a thoroughly interesting explanation so they dream about it hard enough for a long time.

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

Great time to watch this clip today for MG@150.

akagugo said...

MG?? You mean this one?

Gandhi n’appartient pas à l’Inde. Sa pensée fait partie du patrimoine commun de l’humanité. En particulier, ses idées sur la non-violence, l’harmonie intercommunautaire et le développement durable résonnent à travers le monde. Pour ce qui est des Indiens, ils ont chassé le Bouddha hors de l’Inde, ils peuvent très bien évincer Gandhi de leur mémoire. Contrairement à Nehru, De Gaulle, Churchill ou Roosevelt qui étaient avant tout des leaders nationaux, Mahatma Gandhi était une figure politique à rayonnement planétaire

Yeah! What a dent he made!!
Even though there are many controversies about his personal life...

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

Not too sure he was that ambitious a person. Otherwise he wouldn’t have offered Jinnah to become India’s first PM to avoid partition.