Monday, April 8, 2013

Iron Lady Dead At 87

Margaret Thatcher was the longest serving British PM. She was for deregulation, weak trade unions and privatisation of state-owned enterprises. The former PM also waged war against Argentina to recapture Islas Malvinas. Here she is talking about socialism at the end of her 11-year Prime Ministership. 

And here is Meryl Streep winning another Oscar for her extraordinary portrayal of the Iron Lady.


akagugo said...

Triggered the best wave of music from the land, and now, after having killed the Welfare State and trade unions, will ironically see her own funerals being funded by that same state. Loved by the minority who benefitted from the Poll Tax, and loathed by all the others to the point of wishing so dearly for her death. Yes, she left no-one indifferent...

akagugo said...

And now, guess who's going to foot the £10 million bill for the farewell?

The best proposal: "Ken Loach, dont la caméra a capté comme personne les souffrances de la classe modeste britannique, a été le premier à sonner la charge. Il faudrait "privatiser son enterrement, faire un appel d'offres et opter pour le moins cher : c'est ce qu'elle aurait voulu", a-t-il ironisé."

And this analysis nails it - when it's ridiculous for another non-industrialised country to pay hommage to an old ruler is acceptable in the UK.
"Ces funérailles sont nationales sans qu'on ose le dire", renchérit Politics. (...) cette cérémonie exceptionnelle participe de l'atmosphère générale qui tend à faire de Margaret Thatcher "une sainte, dont on devrait suivre l'exemple", qui ressemble de plus en plus "à un culte de personnalité"."

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

She didn't want the state to pay for her funeral, right? So, they should have respected her wish.

akagugo said...

And Liverpool was one of its victims. The bedroom-toilet analogy kills it.

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

Wouldn't it be nice to compare reform aka fanaz dal with thatcherism? Given that some abused the TINA propaganda.