Thursday, November 29, 2018

6,716 Road Fatalities in 5 Decades

As the chart shows fatalities increased by about one-third as from the third decade and pretty much stayed at that level since then. Which roughly coincides with the time we've been stuck in the middle-income trap – half of which we've been in the flat-tax trap.


akagugo said...

Man! What can explain this 32% jump from the second to the third decade?
One wonders what kind of driver education/training, infrastructure and enforcement (removal of grey-uniformed policemen...?) we started having in this time...

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

The big jump is probably die to a combo of
1. Increase in economic activity
2. Lower overall management quality (experienced civil servants were fired in 1982)
3. Lower-calibre politicians (those believing they've got the golden touch to produce economic miracles)

For the decade starting in 2008 we need to factor in the flat tax which has prevented the redesign of roads for better safety and investments to subdue risk factors.