Sunday, November 21, 2010

How the MOF Can Improve Productivity Right Away

By allowing citizens of our country the option to download all the Program-based budget estimates for 2011 and the indicative estimates for 2012 and 2013 in one large file instead of the close to 90 individual files.


  1. This option needs to be as an add-on thingy, whilst leaving out the individual files as there are so people can download what they want easily(ahem, bearing in mind the internet speed in Mauritius) and fast!

  2. So, allowing an option and option as an add-on thingy are two different things?

  3. @ SJ:
    "... two different things?"
    Eski ou pa kwar Anonymous of November 22, 2010 12:14 AM ti pou pliss dakor si ou ti dire: "two different THINGIES"...? :-)

    Else, I'm having a lot of fun reading all sorts of reactions from "concerned" parties about Pravind's budget speech: Députés tap la-tab, syndicats pé tap lor nerfs, Kee Cheong pé dire ki Pravind in tap Navin boukou kalott, JEC ek MEF pé tap la-mé, Rodrigues ek "communauté sportive" pé tap dans nargnié parski inn blié zott, Jack pé tap zépol Ali, la-banque, producter sac plastik ek bookies pa dakor ki tap zot enkor pli fort parski zot-mem pou bizin tap zot client enkor pli fort, parents ki ena z'enfants ki pou compoz SC/HSC pé tap lamé, pendant ki marsan cigarett pé tap plein ar nouvo prix...
    Dodoland, c'est un plaisir...

  4. sa meme tout evaluation budget ou capave faire cher monsieur? li bien trivial comme dit l'anglais.

  5. Cher anonymous, mo pann suiv bidze vendredi ni bann deba. Me monn gagn enn 2 ti eko isi laba...

    Par kont mo finn exprim mwa lor ki kalite marz de manev minis finans ena 3 zur avan bidze, lor "sosyete de grand kalite" et seki mo ti pe attan lor bidze ek lor enn ta mari buku zafer...

    En pasan, ena plis ki 600 posts ek enn ta komenter pu lir lor Kozelidir... Se pa enn movez ide pu lir sa ti gid la.

    Pa per u pu tann mwa biento...

  6. The whole document (in one PDF) is here:-
