Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Budget 2011: Reality Check!


  1. Ramgoolam, trying to motivate and influence the capitalists in Singapore, told them that Mauritius has a low corporate tax regime.......Now, you think he has in mind any project to increase that tax level? I dont think so but lets wait and see.

  2. The flat tax has been around for a while now but I can't remember world-beaters Singaporeans arriving by the containers.

    I doubt they will come in droves. They don't need us to go to Africa. And we've already lost a lot of our glitter.

    As for raising the tax rate for those who can afford it we have little choice because finances are either going to spin out of control or very little will happen in the next five years.

    You just need to recall all these billions of rupees that were allocated to funds but which were never spent.

  3. Mo bien rapelle ca conference de presse la, Ramgoolam ti dire - the tax rate is very low in Mauritius.

    Moi aussi mo pas croire corporate tax pou augmenter, mu sure MEF pou crier au loup si faire ca et dire qui zot pas pou capave afford ca, zot pou licencier etc etc

  4. Sad we don't have such a voice in our parliament! We have people like .........instead!

  5. The JEC people are Happy after the budget! I told ya!

  6. corporate tax low dans beaucoup d'autres pays - UK, Ireland par example. augment li pas un mesure miracle, sinon ca se saurait!!1

  7. Non, nous laisse li en place!

    In any case, decision la ti un decision du govt et du Premier Ministre, pas de AM ou de RS specifiquement , pour preuve li finne etre maintenu!!

  8. Why don't you admit Sir - you want to be FM? Join the MMM or the Ptr!

  9. To Anonymous

    Justify your comment - as to why and how you conclude that SJ wants to become the FM? Fair, isn't it?

  10. To Anonymous

    If we do not tax corporations, then whom do we tax? From 35% to a mere 15% was what Marchand Gateau Piment turned Private Sector Man did. Why? What was his aim for the country? was it attained? He taxed interest on savings of any amount. Was that fair? What was his aim? was it attained? Looks (sorry if not) you are a pro of RS, so please comment. Thx

  11. No need to justify it- SJ has arguments and he is wasting his time on the radio - he better be in the parliament(mmm or ptr I dont care) - at least people in power will have to answer to what he says.....I'm tired listening to our usless brainless MP giving their boring rhetoric(go back listen to spephanie's talk and you will see what im talking about.....)

    And yeah why the hell Vishu is outside parliament - can't we swap him with C.M? le mode a l'envers mo dire ou!!

  12. A tout ban personnes ki penser ki coporate tax besoin high(rightly or wrongly), pas oublier deduire l'argent ki govt earn de ca tax la pou faire gaspilages! parfois li mieux pena meme, govt gaspille li de toute facon. si Ramgoolam pas ti enan moyen pou depense millions lor vovages, pas ti ena 220 millions pou depense lor windows software etc ....ben pas ti pou jette l'argent la. lire rapport audit camarades.

    Nous trop fort lor jette l'argent par la fenetre. mo sure zot tou connais ki ministre so depense pou acheter sandwich controller dans Norway. Alors quand zot cause high tax rate mention aussi comment nous capave faire pou arrete gaspillages la. 220 millions lor windows software ki pas finne servi. alors, linux pas finne tender?

  13. Read this quote.

    " Every year, the Director of Audit tells us the same bloody things. Government comes, government goes and same criticisms are made in the use of public funds by ministries. I wish the Audit Monitoring Committee, the Audit Committees and the Accounting Officers succeed in fulfilling their duties and responsibilities and hope to see a different version of the Director of Audit Report in subsequent years."

    It's from Rama Sithanen as published in L'express a few weeks before the 2006-07 budget. He didn't do anything to significantly cut wastage did he? We kept getting "bloody" reports one after the other.

    For sure we have to set up a squad and reduce the billions we waste every year. But if you don't reduce wastage and almost halve tax rates this will spin public finances out of control as they have if you don't get robust growth rates.

    Taxes were set too low at 15%. We know this for a fact.

  14. Public money has always been wasted in this country - soon someone will be taking the Police to court over abusive practices and we will pay for that, public money again.

  15. Dont fear people - did you not hear about the qualifications of Andrew Scott as described by the PM? We are in good hands(according to the PM , that is)

  16. Mo pou report toi avec mo tantine Nita! Mauvais garcon, to besoin flat Dr Navin Ramgoolam, oublier flat tax!

  17. Question: too high tax also is not good, it doesn't promote investment, we need an optimun level of that tax- that which promotes investment and pays the bill too so to speak. Now, how do we get that optimun level right? I'm zero in economics....any take on this?

  18. Zero in economics, eh? You must be one of Navin Ramgoolam's advisers then...

  19. 2-3 days ago, an editor of a popular daily newspaper called L'express wrote an editorial where he referred to Rama Sithanen as' le pere du novel model economique de Maurice'. In 200 years time when people will read this they will take this as being historically true!

    What a mess!!

  20. Ramgoolam is to present a media Bill soon I hear......hope he doesn't try to control the web or he might get entangled in it himself! Good interview, interesting views!!
