Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Miss Universe: Mauritius and Mexico


  1. thanks for posting!! interesting to see the comparison, maybe miss mtius should be less full of herself and some spontaneity too woouldn't hurt.

  2. En tout cas, n'importe ki dimoune ki ena impé "common sense" pou trouver ena enn grand différence de traitement entre Ms Doorga et former Miss Mauritius Ms Veerapatren. Mem photogallery de l'organisateur officiel (mais pas nécessairement transparent) montrer 4 (quatre!) photo FORMER Miss Mauritius, deux fois pliss ki the current one... Alle comprend lozik la-dans!
    Ziska-lerr mo pas comprend ki-ferr c'est pas ministère tourisme (ou industrie, culture, ou autre chose) ki organise ça, et encourage et prépare bann candidates-la professionellement. Inn deza casse bann gros contrat soi-disant en béton armé "for the boys", ki-ferr pas faire pareil pou enn concours ki supposé attire support entier Dodoland...?

  3. Euh, enn ti-précision quand-mem: ça "ti-l'exercice" imite zanimo-la c'est enn ti-test de personnalité assez révélateur: li rode mett le sujet dans enn situation kot li en dehors de so "comfort zone", et nou trouver couma li react: parett ki Ms Doorga assez "coincée", parski probablement li trop ena self-awareness alors ki ena dimoune capave penser ki enn mamzel ki pas perr lance li dans enn concours aussi médiatisé pas nécessairement aussi extrovert ki zott prenser. C'est enn kestion de personal cognitive development, et ena certains cours ki permette, dependant niveau openness ki sujet-la envie arriver, ki li révèle 'in the doing' le potentiel du sujet. Saki envie progresser bizin "let go", sans se soucier du qu'en dira-t-on.
    Mais, ça demande beaucoup de travail sur soi-même, assisté de pros. Saki de toute évidence, pena dans encadrement de Miss Mauritius.
    Pour preuve, kifer nou autant embarassé guette enn mamzel manifestement mal-à-l'aise dans réponn premier question (en fait, li évite question-la, li dire ki li pa'nn gagne "bad dates"), tandis ki so regard ki coumence alle faire létour galaxie (regard pe rode fixer kiksoz de près = confidence, le contraire, surtout en haut à droite = pe essaye évite noyé) ek so body-language (bouz-bouzé dans tou coté) demontrer enn réaction instinctive pou "escape" , alors ki couma-dire li totalement prisonnière de la caméra...

  4. sete la kronik du Dr Akagugo. Retrouv li pu enn nuvo kronik dime mem ler mem plass ;-)

  5. @ SJ:
    "Dr Akag..."
    Ayo! Non! Pitié! Pa baté! Si baté, pas tap for! :-)
    Naan, pas Dr, sirtou pas.
    Mo'nn ziss rode partage mo (tipti) l'experience lor cognitive (c'est pas mo mot, c'est enn vrai docterr so mot) development. Mo ti suive enn ti-cours de 12 semaines lors couma pou apprivoise et maitrise mo personalité bébétt et apprane vinn enn "bon" dimoune sociable (dans le sens "comprend ek accepter normes de la société civilisée") ki capave discuter / échange d'idées sans la-guerre. Bein, parmi bann activité ki ti bizin faire, c'est bann trucs comik / enfantin inpé couma sakinn demann Ms Doorga faire. Pov diab, li ti parett vraiment perdue couma poz li sa kestion-la!(enn ti zoué: compter comié fois li guette la-haut / tourne so lizié couma la-grain longane dans coco vide) Et en plus, enn kestion personelle... Li pas évident pou enn dimoune ki pa'nn préparé pou reponn ça kalité kestion-la "en impromptu" sans perdi so l'assurance...

  6. Nu byen dezole ki Dokter ti enn tigit en retar zordi... ;-)

    Enn kur pre-marital kot enn psy sa akagugo? Maru importan sa kalite formasyon la. Isi nu enn tro impulsif.

    Mo pense ti bizin met sa dan curriculum segonder. Bon aster si ena ansyen minis finans envi join petet kav donn enn derogasyon...

  7. "kur pre-marital kot enn psy sa(...)?"

    Non, c'est enn cours de development personnel ki capave applique dans preske tou "walks of life", from the housewife, the conceit young adult to the all-out CEO's, top sharks of any industry our there, no age limit... it's about knowing yourself and others, dealing with them with the most appropriate way (building on past experiences for creating rapport through genuine appreciation, acquiring the other's perspective on the same matter) ultimately working towards a win-win situation. If you want to use it in pre-marital counselling, why not...?
    But from my experience, many (if not most of the materially successful) young women are not ready to acknowledge that they have weaknesses requiring consolidation/strengthening. It's a question of knowing how to master your own ego to accept that making a small concession now can reap many many rewards in the long term.

    - "ti bizin met sa dan curriculum segonder."
    Enn fois mo'nn fini sa ti-cours la, mo ti pense pou faire li benevolement, mais pou bann zeness en peine rebellion, zott pas pret pou comprend ki pas tout saki visible ki vrai et inversement. Et surtout, fauder ki li-mem trouver ki ena kikchose a ameliorer en li. Avec peer pressure, enn adolescent tres difficile embark on this course ek far enn maniere complett li on his/her own. Et de toute maniere, generalement, bann coach pou sa cours-la demander bien: eski c'est ou ki pe vini par ou-mem, ou-bien eski kikenn inn force ou: si ou senti ou force, nou pou donne ou enn preview du niveau d'effort ki bizin (pena aukenn rocket science la-hein) et lerla ou guetter si ou envie. It's voluntary self-motivation that drives you to progress, nothing else.

    "si ena ansyen minis finans envi join"
    Menterr pena place la-dans. If you can't understand an opponent's arguments, it's because you did not put in enough effort, you are not giving him his chance, you are mistrusting him and assuming that you are the special one who holds the monopoly of intelligence. You'll end up nowehere whith this kind of attitude. On another plane, this course asks you to avert lying in all circumstances, even if it brings you shame today to admit you erred, a lie is a boomerang that hits you harder when it returns in the future! Si c'est mem miniss ki ti pe koz menti lor l'or pou score cheap political points against his predecessor ek pou deklar baiy / pas perdi face, bein, in my very humble opinion, if he can't find good faith to recognize the value of his opponents' arguments, then he's not ready for progress.

  8. Interessan kom kur. Canada depi kindergarten li fini montrer ban ti nounours la ki bizin 'use ur words'. En dot mo exprim zot.

    Bon se sir si nu ti fer nu ledikasyon vinn plis collaborative bann zafer kumsa ti pwena enn zoli plass dan program. Samad inn ekrir pa mal zafer lor IB. En tu ka se sir bizin re-design nu curriculum et fer dimunn vinn mwin abriti.

    Ya bizin fer li volonterman. Selman si nu byen fer buku kitsoz dan nu pei sa bann zafer la rent dan nu DNA enn sel kut. Li vinn enn serk vertueux...

  9. For those who are interested, it's the Dale Carnegie Course. Stephen Covey, Deepak Chopra and other gurus merely expanded/extrapolated from the original findings of Carnegie...

  10. I've heard a lot of good things about this course. Yeah the Misses should definitely go through an accelerated version of these techniques or those girls who have already done the course should consider running for Miss Mauritius.

  11. Pena doute: saki'nn bien prepare fini ena attitude enn "winner" ek li pena pou embarasser. Jury, pareil couma public, inn fini influencer par "composure" candidat-la. Li pareil coume enn interview, mais zis enn "ti différence": c'est enn public ki pé gagne fort pipé ki ou ena devant ou: là, ça ne pardonne pas!

  12. Interviu Laetitia. O hazar isi pu Miss Indonesia. Li metriz angle buku pli byen ek sa fer li paret buku pli konfortab ki nu Miss (kontinyer ek Dom-Tom-Pom mem ki mo pu dir zot). Mo pankor get lot miss la me Miss Indonesia ena Miss Universe material.

    Miss Germany koz pli sense ki Laetitia me nervez usi. Kif kif.

    Ale, Miss Hungary (alias gro mimi lizie ver). Li kontan fer Caty eyes. Se byen mamzel. En tu ka mo espere u zoli long seve pu u mem.

    Bon, anu pass dan premier league aster: Miss India. Dapre lord enn syentis Nasa sa.

    La zafer la vinn byen byen grav. Bizin fer Bentipully (aka Boune-ti-pu-li) investigate sa enn kut. Sinon, li siper relax ek sympa sa Miss Greece la.

    Miss Ghana pa paret ghana ditu. Ek dapre lord li pann swiv bann deba nu parleman pu gagn enn lokisyon kumsa.

    Pfew, Miss Paraguay. Li pwal lwin sa.

    Pu bann fann Singapur, miss la original.

    Miss South Africa byen a lez.

    Miss China pa terib.

    Sanla pe zwe at home.

    All in all mo ena enn ti preferens pu Miss Indonesia.

  13. Aiy...
    Cringe-factor bien-bien for pou Laetitia... Grooming was glaringly absent from her preparation programme, nor was elocution.
    Kel domaz.

  14. Enkor plis domaz: Laetitia so "robe"... Un mot plus approprié serait "accoutrement", créés depuis 2008 par les mêmes aveugles qui apparemment aiment faire parler d'eux pour leur mauvais goût...

  15. Pa fasil sa rob Laetitia la... kuma dir in pass li dan shredder...

  16. Ler mo get sa dodo lor latet Nathalie la mo kumans regret rob ti pas dans shredder la.

  17. Eh bein! A toute chose, malheur est bon: désormais, Dodoland a sa mascotte "Dodogirl...

    Kan lir bann commentérr-la (éna mari péyé la-dan, ex: expiry date), wa-dir expré inn férr sa pou rodd testé créativité dan enn concours commentérr en soukou-soukou, non?

  18. Eh-ou-lah, mém Gilbert inn gagn i'inspiration pou déssir sa 'création' la...

    Anou esséy prédir ki capav vini l'ané porssénn: apré shredder ek dodo, mo cwar konpran ki Dodoland bien contant rimix, alorss, zott pou pass Nathalie so dodo-la dans Laetitia so shredder, ek apré zott pou dir enn rimix-orzinal ha!

    Ena bézé déor lah...

  19. Enn dodo en lambo alors. Wai for posib sa manyer ki piale la.

  20. Ayo, mo la-langg kabri inn travaiy enkor...! O-lié enn dodo an lambo, sé enn kadrikolorr an lambo...

  21. Kelkeparr, kan ou pensé ki déor éna enn lékip nétt ki pou bizin habiy koum ha...

  22. Bonn nuvel! Nathalie so dodo kav gagn inpe kompagni pli tar.

  23. If it had only been once, we could have left it like that on account of an unfortunate accident. But twice? After we get promoted from the Top 15 of Bizarre, we're promoted into the Top 3 of Alarming... Probably like the management of the country in general: batt-batté everywhere!

  24. A more detailed recap of our "artistic" exploits and as bonus, a comment from the creator of the things. We can only encourage her like this: Ce sera beaucoup mieux quand ça s'arrêtera...

  25. Dodo finn bhago ek shredder paret finn kase me pa tro sir nu pe pran kup malgre sa.

  26. Kot capav? Shredder inn vinn plis efikass, ek pé servi filé la-péss astérr: wadir peign-fin marin!

  27. Ayo vremem. Mo panse finn ariv sa parski nu pann pans andeor di bwat!

  28. Sana plis striktire? 6 mwa training intans lor talan prezantasyon ek koz an piblik.

  29. And a simple social experiment to disprove the metrics-based beauty standards... What can be more uplifting than simply treating people kindly, as they are.

  30. We're wired to respond to kindness. Btw, what's the latest with respect to the official dresses of our Misses?

  31. France wins it after 64 years. Haiti is runner-up. Bon, pa tiena dodo lor latet sa lane la.

  32. Eye-popping, say some. At least it's original, hopefully... Pa kouma sann-la ki rodd faire réform ar copy-paste. Dé-dé koutt, enkor!

  33. Miss Great Britain la wadire li fek truv Obelix. Pa ti pu mal si Miss Vietnam al bazar Vakwa dime. Enn ta buku tro ekstravagan ladan. Anfin...
