Saturday, August 21, 2010

Les Onze Critiques De Jack Bizlall

Jack published this 80-page booklet a couple of weeks before the last general elections. It is an interesting read. Download and enjoy it!


  1. At least Jack has the courage to say that Ramgoolam is as responsible as Rama when it comes to the economic mess we got ourselves into. He even goes further to say that Rama had to consult with the PM's econ advisor everyday when the budgets were being prepared.

  2. "Rama Sithanen est croquemort de profession ratée"
    - PAF!

    "Je trouve chez Navin Ramgoolam un intérêt de régner beaucoup plus qu'un intérêt de gouverner. Pour être un Boss, il faut bosser. Or, il ne bosse pas assez"
    - PAF!

    Jack n'est pas (encore) mort. Mais qui assurera sa relève...?

  3. Jack finn deter lahas de ger kont Ramgoolam. Eski sa ve dir li pe poz li an azan remake. Inpe kuma Boodhoo ti donn karton ruz PM?
