Thursday, December 29, 2016

Amri Was Known To German Authorities

Which is prompting some to wonder if this is not a failure to connect the dots. Mr. Amri was the middle-east refugee who drove a truck into a Berlin crowd killing 12 and injuring over 50. Parallels have been drawn with the Nice attack which happened six months earlier when another driver slammed a heavy truck into a large crowd causing 86 to lose their lives and almost 450 injuries.

Merkel is under heavy pressure after welcoming a million refugees last year. The options that Germany is looking at includes deporting high-risk individuals back to their home countries. Federal elections are due between August and October 2017. And the Chancellor will be seeking a fourth term.


  1. And moved across the EU relatively quite unhindered. Populists à-la-Trump would certainly exploit this fundamental part of the EU (freedom of movement within the RTA), so let's hope the governments do not get sucked in the reactionary reflexes and start investing more in cooperation and actively consolidate their institutions instead of locking themselves up in paranoia...

  2. Immigration policy will take centre stage in at least two more countries this year: France and Holland. Which could add a lot of pressure on the cohesiveness of the EU.

  3. Pour mieux comprendre la crise en Syrie

  4. 30 mauriciens peut envie alle la guerre pour etat islamique. Bien bon. Besoin paye zotte billet d'avion et donne zotte per diem pou alle faire taekwondo aquatique la ba. Ene fois zotte ine alle besoin cancel zotte passport et retire zotte citoyennete. Zotte pas pour besoin sa etant donne qui zotte pour ena 70 vierges a zotte disposition laba.

    Burqua bien utile pour braquage mo trouve.

  5. Instead of growing meet the stature of his predecessors, Trump uses a twisted logic to deny Muslims their fundamental right of movement into the US.
    And now, his various moves are pointing to a logic of an all-out war: with China, with Mexico, with Iran...

  6. Merkel’s fourth term will be quite interesting. A hung Bundestag implies that she will have to collaborate with other parties including the far-right AfD whose representatives will sit in Parliament for the first time and who are not too fond of fundamentalists imposing their way of life onto others. Strict immigration policy is a legitimate aim of any Republic: Immigrants not sharing the values of a country always have the option of looking for greener pastures.Denying entry onto a territory should be sole prerogative of that country alone.
