Monday, September 8, 2014

Why You Should Say No To Biometric ID


  1. Look at who hasn't been convinced by the merits of the Biometric ID yet.

  2. Aparaman, "bolom" oussi: li, li ti déza kontt, mé Navin ki (ti) pé pouss motion-la pliss ki tou, li-mém pé kil-parad??? Do as I say, not as I do.

  3. How much confidence is there when a Government official tells you that 'your data is safe'? Just take a minute to consider this blatant corporate lethargy in mishandling of an emergency, and India's Supreme Court common-sense over the all-in-one Aadhar system.

  4. And another example of simplicity: your date of birth, your laser-engraved black-and-white face photo and date of issue and some in-fakeable features. Voilá!
