Tuesday, November 6, 2012

America Elects World's Most Powerful Man Today

And the race is quite tight. Although Sandy helped Barack Obama get Mayor Bloomberg's endorsement. Colin Powell will also be voting for the Democrat candidate just like he did four years ago. The economy seemed to be doing better after eight years of irresponsible policies by W. which killed 9 million jobs.

The New Yorker has issued its voting recommendations. Americans are grappling with broadly the same issues that we are confronting here in Dodoland.

Go Barack! Go!


  1. Hmm, mem Fox News so sondaz ek, non pa 1 2 contributérr, pé donn Barack enn déziem manda, ek évitt bann inégalité...
    Antouka, saki gagn sa elexion-la pou gagn sa pwalon-la pou trappé: so bouyantt! Pou sa 5 péi-la oussi...

  2. Wai, lasinn pe koste rapidman ek lamerik...
