Sunday, April 22, 2012

Hollande Ahead by Up To 3.5%

As the French go to vote in the first round of the Presidential elections. The interesting thing that's happening this time is that the judiciary has warned that it will prosecute anyone publishing exit polls before voting stations close at 20h. This includes posting on FB or Tweeter. If the leaks are widespread enough the elections could be declared void.

Ah, Tweeter quand tu me tiens...


  1. The Economist finding Hollande dangerous... Does it mean that they prefer "bling bling" and right wing rhetoric THAT much??

  2. The Economist ase pro-business malgre so bann excelan lartik lor tu kalite kitsoz. Isi lor Kozelidir nu pro-market minus bann exse marse.

    Vi ki Hollande envi redwir bann exse marse li ase normo ki Economist pu truv li danzere kontrerman a Sarko.
    Me se sir ki l'Europe bizin redwir so trin de vi. Kav fer li par ogment tax ek redwir gaspiyaz. La France bizin sirtu refer so sistem ledikasyon (kitfwa lerla Dodoland va suiv?)

  3. Lor tou kalité kiksoz, including this concept of "Romeo and Juliet" clause: strange to read thsi from a conservative / pro-business paper.

  4. Non, zot pa ezite pu tus enn inkroyab range de topics. Ek enn pake zot bann korespondan a traver le mond konn ekrir mari byen. Ek en plis zot tre witty.

    Zot ti ena enn husband pub lontan: "Not all mind-expandind substances are illegal." Telman vre.

    Dormi mwin kuyon kinn leve ler lir zot.
