Friday, February 10, 2012

CWA Applies Harsher Cuts, After Downpour

Plus you will be fined if you are caught washing your car. You may not even collect 200 and go to jail directly for up to two years as per section 49a of the CWA act. Ain't that so funny after all the rain we've received the past few days? With some regions being practically flooded?

CWA will carry on with the patchwork: Midlands dam will now be connected to Mare-aux-Vacoas. That's after linking Mare Longue to the island's largest reservoir. So, the minister's prayers haven't worked. Neither has the recent water hike. They also seem to be telling us that there is water in the Midlands area. How come then Phase 2 of the reservoir there did not get done? Is it the same reason why policemen have only one used shirt to wear?

This critical problem is here to stay until those responsible of the dossier quit sitting on their hands. Or are fired and fined.


  1. Fired and fined?

    By whom, on what grounds, and by how much? :-)

    Maybe we could start by helping ourselves: build enough small-scale reservoirs at home and harvest rainwater to cater for our needs. Rain is abundant these days: after a short acclimatisation period, we won't it too difficult, like Rodriguans.


  3. By Docteur-Maitre of course ;-). Cheaper for state to do that. Sinon ki zot pu fer? Taye zot zong lipie dan biro?

    @Anonymous: trikot inpe simiz u kit sa kasern sentral...

  4. Mare aux vacoas pou replein vite la. Fine commence rode au bon endroits.

  5. Based on past trends, some may have predicted that the recent cyclone Giovanna should have been "wet" (see this conclusion at page 76, row #4), but it should be read in conjunction with the correlation with 'El Nino' (same report, page 87, row #59) phenomenon, and now probably with the effects of changed climate.
    We can only wish that Madagascar will not have to count casualties like us.

  6. Figures confirm that more Minister's prayers will be needed. Anil is also ensuring that the super-highway / runway is wide enough to convey other prayers to heavenly abodes. But what if, in the same fashion as for Mare Longue, he connected Grand Bassin to Mare aux Vacoas?

  7. Vegetation is lush around MAV so methink lack of water is not a problem. Inquiry going on about water from feeder canals being diverted. Sounds more likely.

  8. Mare Longue: 3km to the west of mare au vacoas has water
    Grand Bassin: 4km to the south of mare aux vacoas has water
    Midlands reservoir: 10km to the east of mare au vacoas has water
    Domaines des 7 vallees which is next to mare au vacoas has 8 waterfalls
    But mare aux vacoas does not have any water????

  9. @ Anonymous of February 16, 2012 11:47 AM

    But none of them need to supply up to 120,000 cu.m per day like Mare aux Vacoas... In your list, Grand Bassin is a 'dead-end', while Mare Longue feeds a trickle (less than 10,000cu.m since October 2011) to MaV.
    That debate on diversion of water courses is an old one and should be placed in perspective: there are many concessions given to planters (small, medium and large), and still more outright thefts ('piquage illégal') of much larger proportions that go unpunished by authorities, which account for much more that was some are accusing O'Reilly of. I just remind that according to the Rivers and Canals Act (1863) any mechanised removal of water from a water course is illegal. Now, just for the sake of checking how far our authorities are out of touch, have a downstream stroll along, say, La Ferme Canal, from its source at La Ferme Reservoir (samem kott éna bann inconscients inn tolérr skwatérr vinn ranz lakaz en-plin dan 'spillway') and have fun counting how many pumps are on standby on the banks: you may unveil the mystery of why vegetables are almost always in abundance in the vicinity of Petite Riviére and Bambous. Joke aside, it'll be fun for Water Resources Unit officers to find a way of proving that O'Reilly should be jailed on account of illegal diversion...

  10. Lakaz pe noye lor plato sentral selma MoV pa rempli mem? Joke la inn dir inpe tro lontan la.

  11. Friends, I don't if you are aware but a lot of discussions has been going on the FB pages of the LP and the MMM. Some very interesting comments were made like

    "Guette sa mo comprend ki ene Dommaine pou li attire visiteurs li bisin creer baner added value et parmi bane water features bien important mais o lieu ki devier tou de l'eau bizin faire bane vanes kot a soir kan pena visiteurs de léau depi feeders canals rempli MoV.."

    "Just wanted to get to the roots of how could someone have destroyed our environment to this extent and yet no one with authority said anything about it. Today you have answered all my questions, unless if there is more to come. Thank you very much mate and Long Live nu Moris! I know what's coming next. Just feel sorry and very sad for thousands of people who've been misled and fooled. Only two words; keep going!"

  12. So, it's now that CWA's new Chairman is pointing the blaming finger.

    Yes, we know that it's the WRU which is responsible for managing water resources. But too late, Sir, adding to CWA's failure to manage the delivery, there was also CWA's own absence of maintenance of its own leaky network on time.
    So, when are our dear authorities going to realise that water is not to be taken in isolation? That water demand and supply must be managed together from source to end?

  13. @ Anonymous of February 16, 2012 11:47 AM, February 14, 2012 7:00 PM, February 19, 2012 11:08 PM.

    Likely, but only an illusion: there is no illegal diversion of water courses.

    The fact is that there simply IS a change in weather/rainfall patterns: in intensity, in geographic location, in timing and in frequency.
    The problem is copounded with our land use: for example, everyone is focussing on Bagatelle's wastewater discharge, but did anyone notice where the stormwater drain ends? Such a huge parking must collect enormous amounts of water during precipitations - used to be partially absorded in sugar cane fields - now is fully routed downhill: where? In some time, you'll hear someone whining: water rises very fast (flash flood) when it rains up there or the storm water is muddier now (erosion) or even the beaches are dirtier these days (debris flushed together with run-off). Multiply this case to all shopping malls that have been allowed to mushroom over the country: is there any form of wholesome town-and-country planning or is it all in the name of "devlopma" with blinkers?

    So, how are ministerial prayers going to adress all these parameters...?

  14. Surprising that O'Reilly (domaine is next to MoV) did not complain of a lack of water. He just babbled his way through.

    8 waterfalls?

  15. Fine commence ferme bane cascades la?

  16. MaV will rapidly fill to 100% now that the remake has been sealed.

  17. Water, water everywh... no, not really.

    We're at above 90% in MaV, but we still need to make efforts on securing our supply.

    But we are blessed until February 2013, says, er, rather boasts, Mr Saddul.
    Can you please open the bets that water cuts will be enforced again as from December 2012 itself, please?

  18. As expected we have now swung into that other state where we can't hold all of the precious liquid that we are blessed with.

    Isn't that so sad that Nobels are not given for such out-of-this-world management?

  19. Out of this world management? Hmm, read well at page 53 and prepare to choke: they are preparing Dodoland to increase bagasse-based power generation in the next few years, and they label it "renewable": but, from where are you going to get the water to irrigate the thing that gives bagasse, dear people?
    It seems that somewhere at top quarters some people do not know which game they are playing at: is it puzzle or lido? Ena impé zong lipié ti pé tayé zour ki ti avoy tapp rapor-la...

  20. Aplas zot prodwir rapor zot ti bizin prodwir rezilta.
    Sinon rapor la ena zis 52 paz.

  21. Sorry pou konfizion - Dan dokiman-la, inn ékrir "49" amba paz-la, sé sapitt "D: Renewable Energy" ki dir
    "Action: Bagasse based Power Plant.
    Description: Increase bagasse energy from 350 to 600 Gwh.
    Target: 2013-2015"

    Now compare with the two studies, which despite aiming at the best for the country, suffers from the tunnel-vision effect:
    Demand for electricity is increasing, land area under sugar cane cultivation is dwindling, but efficiency is increasing to outweigh this trend. But they did not examine the uphill critical parameters impacting the downhill production targets that they are aiming at. Quel dommage. Mais pourvu qu'ça dure!

  22. Hein, ala enn lot zoli léxamp mémwar-kourtt. Kom diré langlé: we will cross the bridge when we come to the bridge.
    Mé si pont-la inn fini brilé telman atann, ki pont ou pou capav traversé?

  23. Haign-gnaa! Astér ki pé trouvé ki zaférr pa bon, pa bon ditou...!

  24. Degaze organiz sa la prier la: "O Bondie, rann nu enn servis, fer nu bann minis gagn inpe lespri. Si tro difisil, fer Marovakwa plin lor katriem vites kuma dernye fwa."

  25. Until February 2013, they said.
    The countdown has started: 60 days they say today.
    By then, either the world would have ended, or we will face another round of incredibly harsh water cuts, but bourzwa-la's car will remain shining clean and he'll keep diverting attention to supposedly thirsty hotels (only 4% of the total consumption), while the real source of the problem is NRW (Non-Revenue Water) in your leaky old mains... It's as efficient as trying to bring you water in a bottle with a hole in its bottom.

  26. For those who were wondering what the hell El-Nino is all about.
    As for Bagatelle Dam, did you notice the 'silence-radio' on this subject (more than 2 years beyond the intended completion date, mind you) for the past 2 years? Even if Alians Lepep took over?
