Saturday, August 6, 2011

Seetaram Crosses Floor To Give Ramgoolam Breathing Space

He is one of four Ministers minted today which provides Ramgoolam with at least a majority of 3 (36-33) in Parliament. This could change as Ramgoolam could mint a few more to consolidate his numbers in our Assembly.  And those could still include Pravind Jugnauth. Other things of note is that Xavier Duval becomes Finance Minister while Anil Baichoo is promoted as Vice-Prime Minister.

So that's where the political chessboard stands as we speak.


  1. Money and power mint excessively well. Anil baichoo the alrounder...sorry not in terms of comptency but in terms of "nachaniyaa (dancer)" - LP to MSM, to MMM PM designate, to his bogus party, to LP... now Vice PM; if he could performs as he preaches in all socio-cultural events! SJ, u r right, I am certain some of MSM are waiting......

  2. what about bappoo, sithanen, choonee,kadress pillay, bbjohn and many others.

    This is cheap local politics

  3. Xavier...? Ahem, is it the same one having left this ministry to look after "intégration sociale", and is now promoted further to look after our finances...?

    Let's wait and see: will he give in to the gourma la-minn dipain? Or does his previous job give him a heart and starts protecting the people from inflation?

    Now that it is confirmed that MSM has been ditched, can we have a poll on this one, please? :-)

  4. Guys, how did XLD land at MOFED? You think NR purposely did that! He was forced - -chantage oblige - to confer the ministry on him. Moi mo prevoir nou pu alle de chantage a chantage; ene coté Beebs lot coté XLD (nou tou conner ki lappetit PMSD éna!. Lot coté Cehl pe attane snas oublier Von ki ena boucou plis bargaining power ki avant! Mange pistache guette cinema lepep admirab! Deja dan bez, nou pou couler pu aler meme, a moins ki banne dimounes plis serieux vini...

  5. @akagugo:
    Importan ki la sosyete sivil res vizilan. Pwena lot sondaz pe vini la burzwa pa per u.

    Mo pense nuvo rapor des fors finn propilse XLD finans. Lezot si pu tent zot sans. Se konsekans les 2 bean-counting devir pays ent 2005 ek 2010.

  6. Jack a dit: fais attention, le loup est dans la bergerie:
    Parett ki sé enn 'golden opportunity' pou Xavier réaliz so potentiel vinn "Black Paul II"...

    "La philosophie du PMSD c’est, estime-t-il, «dekonekter le social de l’ekonomi, soutenir lekonomi kapitalis au maximum avek toute sorte de facilités. Leta dezangaz li de la societe, si ou ena cash ou gagne la sante ou ledikasyon. Se sa lideolozi PMSD»"

    En passant Mr SJ, eski ou'nn remarké ki ou larmé-sek Cader (alias "corpse" :-)) inn gagn so promotion au ministère du commerce et de l'industrie... face à bann dézord social dans UK ek problem economik dan bann principal places boursières, Kee Cheong pé dirr ferr tension, zott tou pé dirr pou ena bann l'effet ek fodé protez investissment, Cader li dirr 'pas traka, no problem'...

    And if you now compare Kishore's interview with Pierre's: the sting of some comments reveals how no-one seems to have clean hands here...

  7. @akagugo:
    Lol! Monn al rode sa komenter corpse la. Hihi.
    Ek mo pe revinn lapess ar "like an "imperturbable" baritone robot hammering each and every syllable into your psyché." Lol!

    San blag mo konn dimunn mor ki travay defwa-edmi pli rapid ki Cader.

    L'express inn met Pierre pu seye fer bliye sa bann bol dal devire ki Ali ti gagne lavey la ;-)

    Kav Jack ena so bann reserv. Pli importan ki sosyete sivil vey o grain ek donn karton si politik pa bon.
