Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Ramgoolam Can Do Plenty With Paper-Thin Majority

He just have to take a look at what was achieved by the Labour Party between December 1976 and June 1982. Of course at that time the leadership of the MLP knew how to assemble strong and dissenting teams that could be trusted with a schedule.

Something which has eluded Navin Ramgoolam until now.


  1. And SSR's term ended in a 60-0 defeat!

  2. True but they scored better than the MSM did in 1995. We also have to look at the external context at the time along with our vulnerability.

    The Labour Party of that time was probably the only government we ever had that had any profound ideas about development. Something that even ex-MMMs like Jack Bizlall acknowledge (read his "onze critiques" downloadable from this blog).

    And they implemented many of those ideas. The rest were either lucky or were incapable of thinking deeply about our future.

  3. @Bruno:

    Here is something I wrote back in 2005:

    "Our leaders should always stick with those policies that are good for Mauritius irrespective of whether they are good for the politician’s future. The selfless leader would not hesitate to execute policies that are good for Mauritius even if it means making his re-election more difficult as the interest of the country should always take precedence. There are, of course, many policies that are good for both the politician and the country. I hope they appear pretty quickly on Mr. Sithanen’s to-do list."

    What are your thoughts on this?

  4. La mar riy la-bou...

    Docteur-Maître a dit qu'il fallait qu'on l'attende aterrir à Dodoland avant de prendre une décision...
    Et il prend son temps pour retourner au bercail alors que pas moins de SIX ministères sont en souffrance.

    Tic tac, tic tac...

    Soyons fous:
    aux Finances: Nita D;
    à la santé: Rihun H;
    à la fonction publique: Patrick A;
    au tourisme: Suran D;
    aux coopératives: Mahen G;
    à la sécurité sociale: Xavier D.

    En attendant, voyons si la page web du gouvernement (ou celle des ambassades comme celle-ci) sera mise à jour avant le retour du Docteur-Maître.

    Tic tac, tic tac...

  5. Navin bisin dire MSM lev pake alleret nomme ban depute travailliste couma deerpalsingh, sayedhossen, suren dayal,hawoldar, assirvaden ministre.

  6. @akagugo:

    Pa tro fu sa bann swa la (apard Mahen G ki pa dan parleman). Kot nun arive la bizin esaye bann nuvo dimunn dan ban pos minis. Dakor net!

  7. Wai, Navin bizin met MSM dehors. Zot fin al tro loin. Detut le fason ena plizier dan MSM ki pu cross the floor.

  8. One point.

    Did you notice that the portfolios of the resigning ministers have already been redistributed as you would expect in a functioning state?

    Now, compare this with Rama Sithanen's resignation-cum-blackmail circus: he did not step down to allow the continuity at the MoF.

  9. @ SJ:
    Wai, mes excuses pou Mahen G. Li telman plis actif ki certains depité ek miniss ki mo ti kwarr...
    Kan ou réalizé ki tou ça cinéma tam-tam la inn koumencé ar Rajesh malgré position tous bann experts la santé contre l'utilité enn lopital gériatrique.

    He'll go down history as the one who systematically leaves oil-stains on his CV wherever he sits as minister: E-IILM university "mauritian branch campus", Amul milk, Turkish flour, Desbro reinforcement bars, gro-pois, STCM, cement, Betamax, KFC and nowadays the infamous Water Research group which crashes through open gates... Wai do!

  10. Au MMM nous ena principes. Nous fine prefere alle tout seul dans elections au lieu rentre en alliance avec MSM qui ene business familliale plus qui ene parti.

  11. Anonymous of July 27, 2011 7:30 PM
    "Au MMM nous ena principes"
    Samem principe ki'nn ferr ou lideur-maximo mendié enn lalians ar travayis, ek apré kan rentr brédouiy, avoy boulozerr déklar / prométt étinsel dan parlman? Samem principe ki ferr ki quand gagne loderr kassir dan A2A coumence tini tini ar PNQ? Enfin, nou'n comprend ki MMM so opportunism ki pé touy so restan crédibilité ki li ti cwar li éna. Mo souhété ki tou sa-bann vié-vié dinozorr politik-la, PMSD MSM Ptr inclu, tou bann ki'nn bien viré dan caroussel politik, ki'nn bien manzé-bwarr avec mem dimounn ki zot inn maudit pendant enn campagne électoral précédan, morr (politiquement) enn fois pou toutt ek nou arett gagn bann self-perpetuating dynasties ki accapar tou ziss pou zott-mem tourn-ki-virr, virr-ki-tourn. Ek parski zott inn gagn toupé ek lodass cwarr ki lemonde tourn autour zott nombri, ki zott finn mank gratitud ek compassion enverr ce peupp admirab ek ki zott inn perverti so sens inné de la solidarité en opportunism de tout instant, zott méritt enn la-mor atross. Politiquement s'entend. Inpé couma enn dans bann Amsterdam Boys ki ti fini couma enn clochard-la - lor-la oussi, pov diab, tann dirr ki li ziss enn pov executant la-dans, enn victime expiatoire...

    "The selfless leader would not hesitate to execute policies that are good for Mauritius even if it means making his re-election more difficult..."
    Qui est donc cet oiseau si rare qu'on pourrait croire qu'il soit éteint?

  12. Moi mo envie dire qui mo trouve sa vraiment deguelasse ce qui Pravind Jugnauth fine faire. Line vini pour travaille ou bien pour faire rigolo?

    En plus li prend nous pour bane mauvais gopia pour pas dire attarde mentale.

    Avocat sois-disant sa. Honteux!!!

  13. Nu klas politik finn byen rasi. Byen ki ler u lir seki bann ti zenes la ekrir u gayn enn ti lespwar.

    Wai se tu le byen ki nu swet zot: enn la mor politik atros.

    Bon si Ramgoolam apruv u ti konfigarsyon cabinet nu kav aret rekile a grand vites ek kumans vinn mediok e petet mem pasab. Li pu deza enn gros ameliorasyon.

  14. Read in newspapers

    P.J.: Si l'ICAC ena fiel dir zot vini. He meant to question him about the medpoint scandal. Hmm. Irresponsible resignation followed by challenging institutions? I do not think this will make the PM happy.

  15. Wadire l"ICAC pu gagne fiele avec sa communique PM la. Pa pu etonne moi qui Ramgoolam ti cuit enn bon maspin pu sa beta qui ti vine boire dite Riverwalk hier soir.

  16. @ SJ:
    Mo cwar lespwar pou mor dan dizef-mem si bann ti-zenes la lirr ça. Com-kwa, pou l'instan, tank ki éna "opposition loyale", opposition opportuniste ek lotla so attitude "pouvoir dan MO lamé", (ayo, pa baté) TINA mem...?

  17. @akagugo:
    Wai. Nempess ki linformasyon ek bann analiz interesan sirkil pli byen aster. Sa finn relev nivo deba dan nu pei. Nivo komenter lor sit mauricien.com usi bon. Ena deba ent partizan me sivilize. Se pa de tro.

  18. ca gouvernment la pas pou tini. marque garder.

  19. One more oil-stain on the CV of Rajesh. Mine de rien, il a peut-être trouvé du pétrole, qui sait...?

    On another plane, when a coach is faced with such a liability in his team, is it reasonable to keep that player on the pitch?
