Thursday, March 3, 2011

Jobs Walks on Stage, Apple Up By $3


  1. As Apple continues to innovate with iCloud, Microsoft is busy celebrating itself with Windows 8...

  2. Perpetual beta vs. command-and-control. Steve pe usi fer plan pu ranz enn fizet pu fer enn mark dan linivers...

  3. :-)
    "Perpetual beta" = PAF!

    Non mais, sans blague, ça ti-bouton ki ena enn ti-flerr 4 branches-la, pas pou nargnié ki c'est enn "Command"-key mem sa, ek ar li, boukou zaferr capav faire: you are really in command of your Mac.

    Mo tann dir li pareil are Linux?

    On another plane: do you think we still need to examine students on IT? Why don't we simply encourage the IT culture - and cause the IT labs of all schools to be properly maintained and run - by accepting only word-processed, "spread-sheeted", "powerpointed" assignments? Because so much money from the bumper-crop/early-harvest money has been engulfed by the flat-tax to give away free laptops...?
