Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bizlall Saying Medpoint Transaction Opaque

That was this morning on Radio+. He was pitted against former Minister Dulull. What are your views on this transaction?


  1. Congratulations to the Jugnauth family who won a jackpot of Rs 144 M.

  2. yes, the jugnauths win, 5 millions dollars

  3. Ena pe dire ki c'est ziss enn "aubaine à ceux qui cherchent à déstabiliser le gouvernement", ena Maneesh ki trouver ki Maya inn bien faire pou donne enn conférence de presse, ena lezot ki pa dakor ki pas capave pose questions, ena ki ti senti l'ail depi l'année dernière, ena ki'nn economise Rs 10 million Capital Gains Tax par enn concours circonstances extraordinaire, ena boukou ki pa dakor ditou ar sa kantité coïncidences-la. En attendant, couma boukou commentateurs ki ena mémoire d'éléphant, nou bizin rapelle ki sann-la ki ti dire: "Moralité pa rempli ventt"

  4. Medpoint pointer

    If the deal were transparent, then I would have reasons to cudgel my brain.It would have been against the Dharma of a politician. How about Mr Clean Bizlall. In an interview he says he hasn't worked since 1976 but has two residences, one he owns at beau Bassin and another he rents at Flic-en-Flac. And Mr chellum, has he ever called a general assembly of his association financed by public funds?As for the clinic to be turned into a hospital for the old,
    I suggest they must offer services for the transition: funeral services I mean. By the way how do they reach there? Metro services? Dharumvir

  5. I think we need to improve services in our already existing hospitals, no need to build a new specialised one until the others are not revamped. So it seems to me that it was more important to actually buy that white elephant instead of investing in our health services.

  6. Harish Boodhoo c'est ene marionnette MMM:

    Accord Medpoint: MMM faire l'alliance avec MSM -- H.B. tire lore Ramgoolam

    Avril 2010: Ptr faire l'alliance avec MSM -- H.B. tire 'carton rouge' lore Ptr

    Janvier 2011: Affaire medpoint -- H.B. tire lore MSM

    Qui faire jamais H.B. tire lore MMM???

  7. Icac will soon find out. Icac has just send Tirat Moosun behind bars for 6 months(he has appealed the judgement though)......I think we should wait and see.

  8. Dodoland is a Land of the lobbies, where a deal needs to obtain its certificate of credibility through the backing of self-appointed ethno-casteist leaders, and a selectively blind NGO...
    Where is this going to end?

  9. Ena ki preferre ress trankil tension "gagne problem" pou ress pli trankil kan zott trouve bann appareil d'état mett so system 2-poids-2-mesures en branle pou mett baton dan la-rou.
    Enn lot coté, li bien domaz ki bann ki pé plaingné pé contign cwar ki ziss ar lafis ki capav communiquer...

  10. Eski ti bizin avoye zot fer enn ti letur Tahrir Square?

  11. Bizall is right, and yesterday Berenger brought in some more credibility to this by discussing that infamous doctors' report.

    Now lets go protest, where's our Tahrir Square located?

  12. Sorry, here is the proper link to makeshift protection for your head...

  13. Kuma kupur dilo arete nu ranz nu ti helmet...

  14. We may comment, decry till doomsday but nothing will change.People can brave the despots, autocrats from Benghazi to Yemen but we will remain
    drugged to sleep because we take sides when there are no sides to take. The govt and the opposition are nothing but the two faces of the same coin.You will find members of the same clan on both sides, a Boolell here another Boollel there, a Kasenally MMM one time, another time Labour,a brother here, brothe-in-law there, One roopun always on the winning side, cousin ... as for the Chellums, they will go to any extent to keep subsidies flowing in.
    At the end of the day, they have a good laugh at us, bloody retarded, idiots that we are.

  15. Aprés ki kikenn ti essaye brile Harish so loto (apparamment parski ki li ti annonce so meeting-dénonciation) parett ki so pugnacité (li'nn bizin alle rode permission la cour suprême...) pé commence payer, malgré ki "thug-culture" pé commence implanter dans Dodoland. Eski ça pou durer?

  16. akagugo, monsieur la paraite faire ene proselytisme subtile lor so blog et son arguments assez banale et dirige contre la communaute hindoue.

  17. Apparamment, Paul ena documents ki prouver ki bann hauts-fonctionnaires ministère ti contre création enn lopital gériatrique... Alors, what next? Notre inénarable blogueur préféré de l'express prend un malin plaisir à analyser comment Harish, après une belle envolée, se viande proprement à Réduit.

    @ Anonymous of March 17, 2011 8:27 PM
    Kisann-la so blog? Mr Awootar's?? Peu importe couma so arguments / so target ete, ou pas cwar ou ti bizin dire li ça la-bas mem? Ki ou dire?
    La, li couma-dire ou pé réponn enn critique l'express dans le mauricien...

  18. Before the time anyone gets convicted, I believed that "la présomption d'innocence" should prevail. How not to be gutted by these two newspapers (an inapropriate wordplay on the word "fail") and radio-sousou (why the hell do we need to hear about that minister having left her hospital by the backdoor???) failing to recognise this basic human right?
    Shakeel's take on how the local press is presenting this matter is probably too little too late...
    Did anyone hear about that NGO which wrote about the Medpoint affair as only being "une affaire d'ordre moral, pas légal"? Democracy Watch they call themselves...

  19. So, Jack is at it again: "Malgré tout cela je ne crois pas qu’il y aura une cassure gouvernementale. Il y a beaucoup trop d’enjeux dans cette alliance, les lobbyistes qui rôdent autour du MSM et du PTr n’accepteront jamais qu’une telle chose se produise."

    Who knows, maybe all those who are so keen to condemn Maya before the case actually is brought to court are openly day-dreaming about this kind of "perp-walk" gracing their front-covers...

  20. @akagugo:

    Wai, ena enn ta detay en plis ki pa vreman bizin tande lor radio. Kav pe gagn enn eklosyon paparazi?

    Maya kom sitwayen moris pu gagn so day in court me eski Minis Hanoomanjee pa ti bizin step down ziska ki case la fini? Minister bizin kontinye marse.

  21. @ SJ:
    "eski Minis Hanoomanjee pa ti bizin step down ziska ki case la fini?"
    Bein, ça, la palme de la formule creuse au possible revient de facto à Democracy Watch: c'est une question d'ordre moral, pas légal...

    Kom minis, capav li pé attann ki li-sien mord larou so caravann pou arett li, ki konné? En tou ka, dépi coumansman-mem parett ki li ti pou défann limem "bec et ongles", péna kata-kata. Le spectacle est garanti!

  22. Medpoint proves to be a boomerang that comes back to its sender for more oil stains on his CV. Pov Rajesh...

  23. Cette affaire améne son lot de conséquences, auxquelles il faut maintenant ajouter les tracas du Financial Secretary qui doit revenir s'expliquer à l'ICAC, et aussi la possibilité d'élections générales anticipées... Eh bien! Qui l'eut cru?

  24. The last thing we need are general elections. The first one we need is more sanity to government policies.

  25. More sanity in controlling police overzealousness in arresting each and every person who may be talking against government actions too?

    Because despite obvious inconsistencies in Raschid's posture as a sherholder and Rajesh's revelations (implying much more than he probably intended by his 'defence' when confronted to Maya), there are a lot more ramifications to this case than we could anticipate at the start of this story, and which the institutions fail to handle equitably: Paulo is due to be interrogated by CCID for "complot", while Shawkatally and Zouberr have both already been arrested on the same grounds,while Pravind has been charged with something that only Cabinet Papers can exonerate him, and political adversaries are being abusively arrested merely for showing support, like some trade unionists 5 years ago...
    In any case, ICAC's monitoring committee will now be without quorum.

  26. Think Mauritius, as usual, gives a constructive suggestion on this subject.

  27. Pa tro dakor ek sa parski eski sak fwa kiken fer enn (fos/vre) deklarasyon lor PM nu pu nom enn siz pu fer lanket?

  28. PJ has been found guilty to have acted in breach of POCA.

  29. And now the punishment is due.

    Prime minister in waiting? Forget about that....
