Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Pamela Asked To Leave Radio

Although she still has 5 good years before normal retirement. She apparently has had shortcomings as the boss of MBC Radio but she hasn't been told which ones exactly. I don't have all the details but this sounds a little bit fishy at best. After all, Ms. Patten has spent several decades of her professional life at the national station and the general feeling is that she has done a pretty good job.

And who should be fired for the poor quality of our evening tv news bulletin?


  1. How different is this ubiquitous case compared to what we hear baout everyday....well soem dont even get publicity like old tree fell in the forest, no one heard about it.

  2. I'll always remember these two Ladies(Pamela Patten and Marie-Michelle Etienne) for their reassuring tone and voice on the radio accompanying us through cyclonic nights... I don't know how and by which method they were trained, but I'd give a lot to get 1% of their EQ...

    So her fault is to have let someone place an ad sensitizing people on sexually transmitted diseases / promoting use of condoms in a commercial break squeezed between two halves of a religious programme. And the bigots have been bent on seeing the premature end of her career. I hope they'll bite their nails in thinking about the redress that their obstination and short-sightedness now entitles her to. Ah, sorry bigots, you don't / can't think logically or critically...

    "And who should be fired for the poor quality of our evening tv news bulletin?"
    Ah? But we get a free (sorry: Rs1,200 per annum) visual check at our PM's health every evening, even when he's abroad! Is it so bad? :-)

  3. Haha, reads this much to say about this High EQ professional:


    Elle tentait d’effectuer un u-turn sur l’autoroute de Pailles. Et sa voiture est entrée en collision avec une autre. L’Emergency Response Service (ERS) a soumis la conductrice, Pamela Patten, directrice de la radio nationale à la Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation à un alcootest qui s’est avéré positif.

    Les faits remontent à jeudi soir vers 23 h 30. L’autre voiture impliquée avait pour passagers les membres de la famille Dowlut. Nawwhad Dowlut, qui conduisait la voiture, a pu s’en sortir avec des contusions mais tel n’a pas été le cas pour les trois autres passagers. Sa petite fille de trois ans, blessée au visage, a pu rentrer chez elle hier après trois jours à l’hôpital. Shenaaz, sa femme, est toujours en clinique.

    Enceinte de sept mois, celle-ci fait une hémorragie interne. Admise le soir de l’accident à l’hôpital Jeetoo, elle a été transférée à la clinique Darné, hier soir. Elle saigne toujours. «Je préfère la transférer à la clinique car le saignement continue et les docteurs ne donnent aucune indication sur sa santé», explique Nawshad Dowlut,

    Après l’accident, Pamela Patten est emmenée au poste de police de Pailles. Là, elle est soumise à un alcootest par des policiers de l’ERS. La conductrice est, par la suite, conduite à l’hôpital Jeetoo, Port-Louis pour effectuer une prise de sang.

    Il faut attendre le rapport du test sanguin afin de connaître le taux d’alcool dans le sang de la conductrice pour que l’enquête soit bouclée et que la police recommande des poursuites. Selon un officier de police, la conductrice pourrait répondre à trois accusations, dont conduite en état d’ivresse et non-respect du code de la route.

  4. Yes, this case made the headlines for some time. BUt can the honourable Anonymous explain how this diminishes her professional conduct... As far as I know, some heavy drinkers of blue label are very capable drivers and act as ministers too, right?

  5. Its one thing to be involved in reckless driving, but quite another to be involved in reckless driving AND be drunk too. Those who drink drive have no respect for life. Have you lost someone , a dear one, in such circumstances?

    I have and let me tell you...people who drink drive should be jailed for life. Now, I was not talking about her professional life or whatever you meant, I was replying to the high EQ argument. Drink drivers have no low EQ but none actually! Heavy drinkers are capable drivers......are you drunk??? Go say that in the UK, Canada!

  6. I fully understand Ms Patten's situation. If she gets Rs X, she would accept to leave.
    It is like at Air Mauritius: finally, the taxpayers/license payers money goes because of some egoistic people - for them, ego > rationality!

  7. @ Anonymous of November 7, 2010 10:14 AM:

    "some heavy drinkers of blue label are very capable drivers and act as ministers too"

    Hein? Pas samem miniss ki content plaigner ki tou saki pas Aston Martin c sarett bef?

    @ Anonymous of November 7, 2010 1:53 PM
    "Those who drink drive have no respect for life."

    What about those who NEED to modify their car (originally a front-wheel drive family car) with exhaust amplifiers (instead of mufflers), glaring headlights, tuned engines (leave aside the galimatcha bodywork) and make all other road users understand that they are the only good drivers by ignoring and constantly violating basic road safety every minute they are behind the wheel?

    "Have you lost someone , a dear one, in such circumstances?"
    Yes. And I totally agree with your statement that "people who drink drive should be jailed". For life, that's another debate. Now, what is the logic behind linking Mrs Patten's accident with her dismissal? What about Mrs Etienne: would she be incompetent tomorrow if she's found guilty of (cross fingers / god - if it exists - forbid) a similar traffic offence?

  8. To dear akagugo:
    Don't put words in my mouth Sir, I never linked Pamela's professional life with drink driving. All I said was the she probably has no EQ at all, for why would she drive a car under the influence of alcohol? I made muself clear enough on November 7, 2010 1:53 PM. Read it well my friend. As for the next comment you made...I never spoke about her....and yes is she caught drink driving well I'll have loads to say.

    I just don't understand this......hey would you like a surgeon operate on you if he/she just killed someone 2 days ago whilst under the influence of alcohol? Professional conduct goes hand in hand with our sense of morality and responsibility.

    And what was that car modification stuff all about??? nothing to do with my commnents actually? What can we do about it, authorities dont care!!

    So you dont want drink drivers be jailed for life- cool hope you dont meet one soon!

  9. @ Anonymous of November 9, 2010 1:22 PM:

    Prend gagner enn fois papa-oh...

    Moi, couma la-plipart dimoun, mo'n sagrin trouv enn dimoun, ki'nn faire so travail aussi élégamment pendant tellement longtemps, capav gagne poussé coumsa britalement.

    Ki ça accident-la ena à faire avec so unfair dismissal par enn l'administration (ki ball-less face à bann lobby sectaires)?

    Manierr ou pe presente ou case contre Mme Patten li ressembler enn ti-pé mem procès ki ti pe faire contre, au hasard, Michael Jackson (case for molesting children settled ou of court) ou Ras Natty Baby (jailed for trafficking hard drugs). Malgré tousala, par zot charisme (EQ) zot ti ressi mobilise enn vague sympathisants - ou cwar zot ti pou ena ça si zot ti arrogant couma Kajol ou Alain Delon?. Zott bann démélés avec la justice pas diminuer zot talent ditout. Si zot ena pou alle prison, zot bisin aller, pena kata-kata lor la. Mais sa pas ve-dirr ki asterr-la ki fauder penn tou saki zot ti faire avant en noir foncé.

    "I just don't understand this......hey would you like a surgeon operate on you if he/she just killed someone 2 days ago whilst under the influence of alcohol? Professional conduct goes hand in hand with our sense of morality and responsibility."
    Talent c'est pas enn profession. Pas pou nargnié ki appel bann avocats, docterr, comptable, ingénierr etc bann professionels: zot ena pou prend lor zott, a-bann degre divers, responsabilité la-vie bann dimounn ou entreprises par zott fonction ki régi par enn council ki ena pouvoir sanctionne zott professional conduct. Si ou ananlyse personnal problems ti faire linkage avek zot profession, abé personne (mark my words: personne) pas ti pou eligible pou tini bann postes de responsabilité.
    Aster ou understand?

    Si ou ena enn "axe to grind" ar Mrs Patten, c'est ou ki pe gagne bon, alors, happy grinding... :-)

    Mais surtout, pour faire bonne mesure, ou ti bizin alle dire auterr ça blog-la ki ou pas happy ar "the general feeling is that she has done a pretty good job."

    Mett mo bann argument dans coin, faire couma-dire ou bann pseudo-raisonnement bon. Ek ki mo bann analogie totalement en-dehor cad. Parski si mo reponn ou point-par-point avek bann limite de mon intellect, ou pou cwar mo pe persecute ou, ek ki mo enn bebett alors ki mo la zis pou echange bann l'idee, pas pou faire camarade.

    Si ou la pou gagner coute-que-coute, abé ki mo capaw dir ou, prend gagner bé.

    La, content?

  10. Pamela will be given a golden handshake of a few million rupees soon plus a good pension too. don't worry people.

  11. Herte are the official reasons from the PM

  12. The percentage of gold in the handshake will be inversely proportional to the gravity of her "fautes professionnelles"...

  13. I wish I could give a list of fautes professionelles that Ramgoolam has commited over these years.....and then sack him!

  14. Enn zoli match ping-pong en perspective...

  15. DG has to go. MBC has become such a shame.

  16. Pamela Patten suing DG for 10 millions. Details of case has appeared in a newspaper. If I could transmit a piece of advice to PM... sack Caulikhan and hire Pamela Patten as DG. This lady has always been the voice and the face of the MBC. Let us not spit on our good people. Let us bring some class back to the MBC.
