Thursday, June 24, 2010

Commission's Director Finds Anti-competitive Behaviour

In a press release for his first report published yesterday the Executive Director, John Davies, said that some of the discount policies of Kraft Cheese marketed by IBL Consumer Goods may be anti-competitive. He also added "that there may be lessons to be drawn by other businesses in Mauritius to avoid a similar investigation, as I understand that similar practices have become common in the absence of effective competition law until now."

Hmm. Interesting. And just in case you are aware of any abusive practices in any industry here's how to file a complaint with the Commission.


  1. Nothing to say. Just that the Competition Commission should be allowed to work freely.

    Mais, seki pli bizarre la-dans, c'est silence assourdissant la presse écrite lor sa sujet-la: à ce jour, ni Le Mauricien, ni l'express, ni finn trouve kiksoz pou dire lors sa sujet-la... Et mem pas l'ACIM! Ki-arriver? Eski c'est lakoz IBL ki ena lamé la-dans?

  2. Li pa drol ki nou lapress soi-disant 'free and independant' per pou koze parski tansion aret gagn piblicite depi IBL. Alor ou komprend zotte latitude ariere dan lapress 'free and independant'. Zot prend nou pou banne imbeciles, nek seki zotte contanet koze se crime, vol, viol me sakalite viol economik la zot per pou koze !!!

  3. M. Servansing enfonce le clou .
    It appears that l'express did report it on 24th June 2010 itself, and again on 27th June 2010.
    Mais pourquoi c'est toujours silence radio du côté de Le Mauricien...?

  4. @akagugo: L'ACIM inn paret ase depase par les evenman. Ti bizin fer enn refont komplet. Ek CC pe kumans byen. Nu attan Act 1 Sen 2 aster.

    @Anonymous: wi, bann size ase selectif.

  5. Le ciment est dans le collimateur. Les prix petroliers, de l'electricite et spreads des marches de devises c'est pour quand?

  6. @ lakeminou
    Weh, someday on the supply of medical products to hospitals and the choice of Betonix's tanker for hauling Dodoland's petroleum products for 15 (fifteen!!!) years. Lorla without tenders.
    La-dans, malgré tou tam-tam ki Shawkatally inn ferr, li'nn bizin ré-avale so prop vomi parski grâce à son bon ami et prédecesseur Rajesh, Mr Soomarooah toujours en poste, ek ki STC so lamé attassé ar Mangalore parski li tousel capave fourni fuel without haulage, ek ki preske tou lezott fourni fuel together with haulage.

  7. CCM slapped Phoenix Beverages with a Rs20 million fine for collusion recently.

  8. Some are very concerned that Google might have gone astray.

  9. Some questions about the implications of CIEL taking over Apollo Bramwell.
