Sunday, February 7, 2010

Union Bosses to PM: Don't Renew Mansoor's Contract

After the Government General Services Union (GGSU) asked the Prime Minister to cut Sithanen's university buddy to size the Government Services Employees Association (GSEA) has requested the head of government not to renew the contract of the Financial Secretary. Ali Mansoor, they say, is completely out of touch with reality.

Many posts in the public sector have remained vacant for years and agreed salary increases have yet to be implemented. Furthermore, hundreds of promotions have been held back. This is obviously affecting delivery of public services. And morale of staff.


  1. The second paragraph is 100% correct.
    Regarding the 1st one, I do not know if Mansoor is really responsible for not filling in the vacancies.

  2. Why should public employees not receive their increments given that Mauritius has been blessed by an 'early harvest', a 'bumper crop' and Rs40 billion of FDI?

  3. I haven't followed this issue that closely but I think the man means well.He could have earned much more on the international job front.Isn't this a case,again(re-infamous tea party)of him not being perceived as a true red "labour" just like Sithanen and the vautours gathering around at the first available opportunity.

  4. What is wrong in making the Civil Service accountable to the Public and ensuring that performance is improved by linking Human Resources to clear service standards?

  5. Yes Sanjay but is Mansoor responsible for giving the green light to proceed with promotions? I really don't know.

  6. A lot of people can earn a lot of money not doing anything at the international level. So I don't think that comes even close to being a valid point Patrick. Same thing with the true red labour or other gossip you're putting forward.

    The facts are here: savings rate is at a 30-year low, unemployment has stayed in the double digits despite tens of billions of FDI and public debt is being kept artificially lower to mask a total failure of economic policy. Poverty and inequality has been created by the bucketful. Not a single major problem has been solved. And things will get worse.

    Speaking about vautours, Patrick, what's you're opinion on the abusive electricity prices we've been paying because of the IPP 'mardaye'?

    Vikram, let's start by asking the STC to be accountable for the Rs3 billion it lost. The opaque stimulus package should be next.

    Anonymous: what if he says there is no money to promote people?

  7. Sorry, but if the FS says there is no money and if the promotions are really due, the unions should simply take the matter to court.

  8. Re Electricity overcharging by IPP, if indeed that is proven to be the case,2 questions arise
    1)Who are benefiting from the alleged "mardaye" apart from the producers.Are they all in it together and playing their little games for the gallery?
    2)How come,if this has been going on for the last however many years,it hasn't been scrutinised and addressed until now in election year when it is par for the course to go after the sugar barons as a sure fire vote catcher?

  9. Patrick, even Berenger had said that prices are too high. It should be the concern of every citizen that we're paying too much for our electricity and that in totally opaque scheme.

    Ramgoolam has indeed been dragging his feet. And there hasn't been any parliamentary opposition in this country for nearly 5 whole years. We should take our politicians to task.

  10. Kozémotandé09 February, 2010 10:31

    Very true indeed. This country is running without opposition since a few years. Real issues are not being tackled while emotions are flying high on issues related to ethnic thinking. I guess the IPP file will take a greater ethnic dimension as elections near and as usual nothing will be done after elections. What really counts for the politicians is the votes and power. Political parties know too well the weight of civil servants votes in elections results!

  11. Sanjay you are right saying that a lot of people work at international levels doing nothing. Canal plus showed a documnetary some time ago about thesue types of positions at the united nations, world bank etc, I dont have the details right now but this is a FACT. Any many people dont even know this.
