Thursday, January 7, 2010

Who's Gonna Be The Next Finance Minister?

Is it going to be Pravind Jugnauth in a Ptr-MSM alliance? Or maybe Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo if Labour and the MMM go together? You think Rama Sithanen is to going to keep the job? Somebody else will be finance minister?

You decide and vote in the opinion poll which has just started.


  1. Sithanen best dan l' pa truv personne pou cav batte li :)

  2. mo demann mwa ki sa pu sanze si jugnauth, sithanen ou lutchmeenaraidoo vinn minis finans.. mo ti enkor petite kan lutchmeenaraidoo ti minis mo pa konn so fason fer. peu import ki minis finans nu gayne ki contigne pronn politik FMI: demantel sibsid universel, fer mean testing, baz compensasyon saler lor prodiksyon o lye de l'inflation, lot kote diminye coporate tax, mo pa trouve ki sa pu sanze, apart plis lamizer, plis inegaliT de klas... eski ena difference entre sa 3 la?

  3. I am afraid Kashmira's position is a reflection of the mood of the young people in this country. La classe politique s'est complètement démonétisée et le peuple ne croit plus en eux.

  4. Mo penser Sithanen dan ene categori par li mem: zame dan nu listwar noune gayn ene minis de finans ki fer sa kantite dega la. Ek so larogans pa fine arranz les soz ditu. Mo pense pa ni Vishnu ni Pravind ti pu fan sa kanitite dal la.

    Pou gayn ene ti lide performans 2-3 minis d finans kav zet enn ley isi. Kumans par lir lartik enba la net apre remonte.

    Solisyon pu la societe sivil c fer tan so lavwa deplis en plis ek diskit ban vre size sitoyen.
