Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ex-Governor's Memory Playing Tricks on Him

This is the impression I got on skimming through an interview of Basant Roi that was published in a newsletter earlier this week. In it the guy who was in charge of the Bank of Mauritius for a little over eight years stated that the independence of our central bank had now been thrown out of the window.

Kind of funny to come from the person who was Governor precisely when the independence of the institution he had been entrusted with was murdered during the MCB-NPF saga before being hanged in the second half of 2006 when the rupee was allowed to freefall despite the record FDI.

And the hansard contains interesting replies that will kind of support the view that when it comes to degrading our institutions Berenger has no match. Except maybe Sithanen.

Today of course is a great day to read a few pages of The Great Crash for at least an extra reason: John Kenneth Galbraith would have turned 100.


  1. Some people always feel that nobody's watching them!

  2. I hope I am not making them become a little bit paranoid...

  3. Wai. Hein, ala garcon Shakespeare fine sorte depi dan so trou pou vine fane inpe mofine

  4. @ Anonymous of March 3, 2011 12:41 PM:
    Dans l'article intégral, ce monsieur se croit intelligent en qualifiant de "diarrhée verbale" les citations de son successeur dans les "minutes of meeting" qui se propose de faire publier... Comme le dit si bien un humoriste: c'est agréable de se faire traiter d'imbécile par un con...

  5. Please publish this comment as L'express would not have any of it.

    Kiapele sa Basant Roi fine faire so preuve????? Line rentre dan MMM??????

    Pa ti kav met ene foto recent missie la??? Sa ene vie foto kan li ti Gouverner. Li encore Gouverner????

  6. Meme affaire. SVP

    Kiran is right. Let us stick with the facts and have a constructive debate here. What has been the inflation record of Basant Roi as Governor? Where can we get these data?

  7. Lexpress c un journal bien boufon ca - la preuve - zot dire rama sithanen le pere du leconomie. Lexpress so point of view lor economie bien drole - pas un mot lor sithanen so stimulus quand fine trouver comment infinity finne faire gaspilages.....rien lor le fait ki ca stimulus la ti inutile. deja, sithanen ti donne ca package secteur prive sans ki banne la faire un demande in the first place. et pas un mot lor incompetence darga ki finen donne infinity largent coument dilo.
