Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bheenick Identifies 7 Structural Weaknesses

Including lack of strategic planning, over-dependency on Europe and too little R&D. Manou also agrees that as a country we haven't been doing what we are capable of and advocates creative destruction as a sustainable platform for growth. Unlike the rampant bean-counting we've seen since 2005 I guess.

Finally the Governor bragged about our economy showing a fairly good degree of resilience. This doesn't look very serious.


akagugo said...

Please applaud this nice guy for finally discovering the lack of any long-term plan and even claiming "nou fini pérdi l'impak mo bann réform", because of his successors' lack of any strategy... Comprenne qui pourra.

akagugo said...

Very important: what did YOU hear that will have a positive impact on growth at 1:05:20...?

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

Lol! I was watching the time closely so as not to miss the gospel. Li dan maru buku plis fatak ki mo ti kwar.

akagugo said...

May we add an over-dependency on foreign counsellors telling us things that we already know?

And did you see that snippet in l'express print edition of Sunday (if I'm not mistaken): the Singaporean water experts made their recommendations based on a network of stainless steel pipes, accompanied by a utility bill of 45 Rs per cubic metre of water... Yes forty-five, compared to the present 55 Rs basic for intial 10 cubic metres (that's 10,000 litres), plus 6 Rs per additional cubic metre. What do you say?

Sanjay Jagatsingh said...

Some folks make it a point of blurting out rubbish. Persistently. Maybe they should fix an appointment with Selena.

akagugo said...

Sugar, my friends, sugar is the future:
"Nos exportations reposent sur trois filières : le textile-habillement, les produits de la mer et le sucre."

And the same stale concepts have been re-mixed: "le contexte international aussi. L’objectif est de créer les conditions d’une croissance robuste et d’en partager les fruits. Le partage des richesses, c’est notre philosophie" which translates into external shocks, robust growth, trickle-down economics, crony-capitalism, bumper-crop, early harvest.